Should I buy Any Fallout game (Just to drive Soli insane)

My thoughts exactly :smiley:

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cough ff


I’m glad someone else came to the party.


That should keep you busy for a while. By the time you’re done with that, you should be able to pick up Fallout 4 from a Steam sale at 50-75% off… maybe on the Halloween or Thanksgiving sale :slight_smile:


I’d vote to go for 4. There are many improvements to make it stand up to modern “shooters” and the help they enlisted from ex-Halo devs really shows in the gunplay. The fact that VATS doesn’t pause the game completely adds a bit of urgency to the fights. The world also feels less “empty” than 3 and NV and the amount of debris laying around the map makes the post nuclear setting really hit home.

The voiced main character also adds a bit to the immersion of the story and the base building and strong focus on crafting offers some diversion from the questing. It’s also the first modern Fallout you can actually play in third person without it feeling completely tacked on and gimmicky.

Fallout 3 was great in its day (I finished the game and all its DLC) and NV was more of the same with a slightly better story, which I didn’t finish. In modern times I’d really recommend getting the latest game at the super low price Fanatical has it currently. You’ll get more mileage out of it and it won’t feel like you’re playing a retro game that you have to mod to hell and back to either get running or look semi-decent.

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Lies! Only thing 4 does better than NV is the shooting mechanics and maybe the improvements to the visuals. Everything else New Vegas is still king of Fallout games. I absolutely detest the building in F4, I’m actually playing through the game again now to finally finish the DLC as well and tried to get into it again but I just can’t do it. It’s the main reason I’m not hyped for F76. It just looks like F4 with multiplayer and more building nonsense.

I was really hoping Bethesda would share their toys again and let Obsidian (who in part created the Fallout franchise in the first place when most of the guys were at Black Isle) make another Fallout game. Maybe even New Vegas 2.


So, feedback @Wyvern, how is Fallout then?


Sorry slept late this morning, I havent gotten very yet, but so far its fun.

Does run speed increase? cos it feels like my char is walking at a slow crawl and that is “running”


Are you sure you haven’t picked up too many things and its weighing you down?

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Ive juuuuuuuust started the game, will check my inventory tonight after work