Should I buy Any Fallout game (Just to drive Soli insane)

  • Heck yes
  • Heck no

0 voters

Considering I havent played ANY Fallout game as of yet, should I spoil myself since its half off on steam right now and since I am working 2 jobs, I can get it.

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Before voting just make sure it will work on windows 10. If I recall correctly it was one of those games that used GFWL and recently I tried Dirt 2 and it wouldn’t work at all.

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Good point, I didnt take that into consideration

Even better, buy Fallout New Vegas instead. It’s the better game and it definitely works on Windows 10. It also has a big total conversion mod on the way that looks really good.

Fallout 3 is still a great game though so you can’t go wrong with it either, NV is just better.

EDIT: The only issue with both of these games is that the engine is older than time (gamebryo) and I have experienced some performance issues with it and Windows 10. On Windows 7 NV ran at like 100FPS constantly on W10 it averaged around 30FPS and it also crashed quite a bit.


Id also suggest trying New Vegas rather as I enjoyed it so much more than 3. 3 was pretty good though.

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I would honestly say get Fallout 3! It’s a great game, but don’t except a traditional FPS game.

I played, and still am playing it from time to time on Xbox and it’s great. I have tried to run it on PC though, and never got it to work well on Windows 10. The GoG version of the game has these compatibility issues sorted so I would rather suggest waiting for a sale there and get the GoG version of the game for PC. Will work much better than the Steam version.


Then I might grab new vegas - cos its also on special Capture


Yeah thats a great deal. The DLC for NV is also pretty damn good.

I just realised I have Fallout 3 installed on my PC and I tried to run it but it doesn’t even launch. I should add that it’s installed from retail disc before steam was a thing and it was not installed on this installation of Windows (I formatted my PC) so that might be the issue.

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I just never have played any of them, so I wanna see what the fuss is about :stuck_out_tongue:

There’s also a special for Fallout 4 on Fanatical at the moment - about R120. But you’ll have to move fast as it’s a time and key limited offer with only about 3 hours or so and very few keys left.

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I liked Fallout 3. It is like an “introduction” to the Fallout series. It has a crap ending (or rather, no ending), but it is still fun nonetheless. There is a patch to remove GFWL which makes the startup much faster.

I would get Fallout 3, New Vegas and 4 and play them in order. Then you can see how the games evolved over time and especially makes you appreciate the improvements in the 4th one.


You guys are making it difficult! I can get the one not alllllllllllll of them, so which one should I take

New Vegas I’d say


Sorry to have added to your confusion :slight_smile:

If you want to stick to a Steam-based buy so you can use up some wallet cash or some such and your choice is between either FO3 or FO:NV then definitely New Vegas. That NV Ultimate deal is excellent, and NV is a much better game all round compared to FO3.


Its a case of which one will pull me in and make me understand the facination of the game :stuck_out_tongue:

Plus the main thing is my budget is R100 ish - I dont wanna go overboard

New Vegas definitely. Obsidian’s writing blows that of Bethesda out the water so I reckon it will pull you in much better.


Definitely New Vegas Ultimate then.

Just do it already!!


@Wyvern I see I’m the only person to vote no. I did not enjoy Fallout 3 that much. I loved Fallout 1 and 2 back in the day. And Fallout Tactics too.

Fallout 3 was boring.

Fallout New Vegas and Fallout 4 are great. Actually Fallout 4 for me is the best Fallout since Fallout 2.

I’ve written Fallout so many times in this post that it has burned into my eyes.


Hhahahaha thanks guys I will grab NV and try it out. I will then get 4 at a later stage.


New Vegas was good. If you like it then you can try 4.

4 is actually exceptional in my opinion. I loved that game. But make sure you like the Fallout type game before paying more for something that you may not like.