Site and Community launch ideas

Good, maybe you can help me out and tell me why the guy runs away so funny in the first episode of Anime Crimes Division.

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With his arms flailing behind him? Probably from Naruto.

Edit: To add context, it’s just how the characters run in Naruto. Although I recall it did exsist in series prior to Naruto.

Think that could be said a little better.

I think it rather needs to be decided on, sooner rather than later.

We’re already getting too comfortable here and treating it like another space that was MyGaming, or as a replacement. I just don’t want us to get too comfy here if it’s going to change and everything to be uprooted and moved, again.

agreed. People already making logos an colour schemes but no name has been decided on

I was thinking… I know it’s rather dangerous, but bear with me.

I believe (or it’s my understanding) that if we keep this as a ‘non-profit orginization’ that the business’ financials are transparant and open to anyone and everyone (or just the “board”), am I correct?

In saying and assuming that, any money the business makes goes directly back into the running of the business. There’s allows the business to continue supporting itself in running costs, domain, hosting, etc. Not to mention that any funds that accumulate can be pumped into social aspects, competition, prizes and giveaways.

I dunno, I would prefer to take on this opertunity as an option to create a community than treating it as a business to make profits from. It still requires a business model though.

Unless I got the wrong end of the stick from the initial options and prospectives when @SIGSTART drove this initiative.

What do you guys think, how do YOU guys/gals feel about this?

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Which is why I consolidated all the names into the Naming Thread Here so that we can decide and go to the next step.

Call me jaded but it seems to me that in most NPOs the people running the thing spend 80% of the money on themselves.

That is off course no comment on present company.

that would probably be the best options if the site ever makes money, i dont think making money is the intention of @sigstart when he came up with the initiative but if it does make anything its probably best to pump it back in and get the community to grow.

Of course, I totally agree with this sentiment. But we face facts that there are and will be costs involved in the upkeep of the site and greater community.

This is the feeling I got as well which is why I’m posing the above suggestions. We can’t carry on expeecting all the onus and costs to fall on one dude.

Only suggest an NPO as it can be transparent.

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Unfortunately the whole NPO vs business is more tricky than just that. Just registering an NPO isn’t merely filling in the forms and sending in the application. There are a whole bunch of rules and laws that will need to be followed first. Plus the registering process of NPO’s can take up to 8 months in SA. Plus you then have to decide if the NPO is a Voluntary Association, NPO Trust or an NPO Company, each with their own laws and conditions to registration. And the tax implications are all rather complex.

Registering a business has its own complexities, however. But the decision will need to be made, as any organization that receives income of some form will need to be registered in some way for tax purposes. And tax numbers are all needed for bank accounts and even registration for either a business of an NPO.

This is not simply just saying “let’s start an NPO”, there are many facets of the business that will need to be ironed out firstly before discussions can be made regarding income generation, profit sharing, cost recovery, tax income, accounting and SA Law.

I’ll can assist with the social media and marketing stuff, as well as any design work that may be needed.

And I’m willing to try and help out with the “Blogs, Articles and Content” part too if I can. I’ve written a review article or 2 in my time…

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Exactly why I asked, as I don’t know all the ins and outs as well as you, or others.

Unless we just go on mutual trust. I mean there are some here I trust irrefutably.

awww, thanks Bro :+1:

he has to trust you, you share a PSN account

Running a transparent community business is something I’ve always wanted to try. I’m not sure how we would functionally do it to keep costs low now that CCs are a thing of the past, but I’m definitely keen.

There is an account of money received and money spent, and of decisions taken.

I’ve always wanted to test how well a system like that would scale, and this would be a perfect opportunity to run such an experiment.

(P.S. I really like the suggestion made above by @DieGrootHammer, and in keeping with the behaviour Discourse is trying to instil I’m not replying separately, but clicking +1 on it. Each of those suggestions will get a thread eventually, I imagine.)

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When you say transparency you mean publicly visible, right? I think its manageable/possible.

As far as I know, if you do want the company route, once they got rid of CCs the requirements on PTYs with smallanyana income are not strenuous, no need for auditing etc… of course we should hold ourselves to a higher level. And the registration costs are not big either and apparently they’re faster now. Less than R500 last time I looked.

8 months for a NPO registration is outrageous though.

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Look, I’m all about openness, honesty and transparency. I trust you as much as others among here. Alternatively we do the gentlemen’s agreement thing, enter a joint account (or singal owner) and treat it as a business. Like playing Monopoly.

Of course this is just in reference to the “business aspect” of the whole thing.

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Yeah it’s become a bit of a dirty word, but the way I see it, regardless of the legal structure we select, it’ll basically run as a non-profit or trust. Every cent donated/raised/earned will go back into the community somehow, whether the overheads you mentioned, gear, giveaways, or maybe even paying folks for contributing their services one day.

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Sorry, wasn’t trying to enforce my views or opinions on anyone, and whenever speaking, I spoke about the collective. I was in no way or means trying to impose that I (myself) would be the one, or among those, to be part of “the board”.

This is exactly my thoughts on the matter, it should be and stay about the community, for the community. To have it “open source” for lack of a better word. The site as a whole should be driven by the people, for the people that it serves.

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By the people, for the people, of the people, EAAAAGLLLLEEEEEE!!!