Slow Roads

I discovered this amazing project today:

Slow Roads is a casual, procedurally-generated driving game which lets you disconnect from life for a while and run endlessly toward the distant horizon. Set the scenery to suit your mood, throw on some music, and just drive.

The procedural generation is impressive, the roads and scenery are very believable and are interesting to drive. There are also a host of variables that you can adjust from time time of day to different seasons (Forza Horizon 4 style). You can choose between 3 EV’s, a roadster, bike or bus and can set it to AWD, FWD or RWD.

On top of that you adjust the world generation to have gentler or more challenging roads to navigate and then you can even take this scenic drive to the moon! Or Venus or Mars…

I’d recommend playing this on your desktop, or a decent laptop so you can crank up the detail and viewing distance.

Lastly, if you really want to chill you can set the vehicle to auto-drive and enjoy the scenery from different camera angles.



So obviously the first thing I did was drive off the edge of the map. :rofl: So much for endless :smiley:


Well it is a road simulator - not off-road :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Also don’t try turning around and driving back on the route you came - a gentle warning pops up but you can ignore it and then get yeeted into the stratosphere.

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That is pretty awesome! And if I can catch a slide at 100 miles per hour on a keyboard, then it aint half bad!

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