Sofa. King. Tired

I don’t understand this whole napping thing.

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I heard this brilliant thing once about what to do when you feel like life is passing you by and that you only repeat the same cycle.

So the theory basically goes, start doing something you absolutely hate but that will have a positive impact on your life. For the amount of time you are doing that thing, time will feel like its going by super slowly and you will probably hate every minute of it. So you wont feel like time is just passing you by in a daze of monotonous routine. But on the flipside, if you continue doing it, you form that habit and after a while you have a new habit that is beneficial to you and it wont feel like a chore anymore. Then you start with the next one. I am doing it with cleaning the kitchen after we eat. And it is working pretty great.

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I used to do it every Saturday, but I believe that is what was making me tired.

Sleeping when the sun is up… yeah, waste of time


I agree. My wife spends her entire weekends sleeping and watching tv. And then she is mad when the weekend is over again. I dont understand it. I am up at 6 on saturday and sunday cause i want to get the most out of the day. I never nap. Unless i have a massive hangover.

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Yeah that is true. It ties in a study they did a while back, questioning why we don’t like doing things like dishes immediately, replacing toilet paper when it’s almost done etc. It’s apparently because it has no immediate benefit to us and won’t bring us any happiness or anything like that. So we put it off and procrastinate.

I tend to take naps on weekends, but it’s because I’m terrible and tend to stay up till 3am gaming or watching movies.

During the week I go to bed by 11 and am up by 7:15. If I am lucky I sleep from 12 or 12:30 till 7:15. But I am a known insomniac, exercise helps but not enough.

Anxiety attacks doesnt help me much. I have thanks to @snowbeast discovered these awesome apps -
I am using the free version and they help me get out of the manic phase and lets me switch off my brain.


Have you ever investigated Buteyko Breathing? They say it helps with Anxiety too.

I don’t know if it will.

I started investigating it because of my running.

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I listen to airplane cabin ambience if I feel anxious.

How is that supposed to help?

I flew on one of those local airlines in Ghana last month. The escape hatches looked like they had been used, a lot.

It just does. I always liked the ambient sound and lighting in those cabins at night. It’s like white noise.

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Next you’ll be telling me that you’re able to fall asleep on a plane.

I can totally and regularly do

So can I, I prefer to fall asleep with the sound of a train on tracks tho. But I have to study with pure white noise

I wish I could sleep later in the mornings, or just require less sleep in general.

I go to bed around 10 and get up around 5:30 on weekdays. On weekends it depends on if my wife is working or not, and what time the little one wakes up. So on weekends it will be around 6:00 or so when my wife is working, but I’ll sleep a bit later like 8:00 or so if she is off, cause then she’ll get up early for the little one. Although we do take turns doing this.


I went to bed at 8PM last night and slept for 10 hours. But I think i know now why I have been feeling so kaput. I’ve come down with the flu. Not that weak stuff that the common man suffers. This feels like proper weapons grade biological warfare agent. My legs and muscles feel weak. Pretty sure i don’t have much time left on this earth cough cough splutter wheeze

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My former housemate would sleep for like 3 hours, and she managed to function (really well, actually). She just can’t sleep like a normal person for some reason.

I sleep like a normal dude - like 6-7 hours (unless I’m playing Diablo 3, then it’s “just ONE MORE rift”).

My boyfriend, however, sleeps like a crazy amount. Honestly, he can sleep from 10pm to 10am, wake up, then nap from 11am to 5pm, and go back to sleep at 10pm again. I really thought something was wrong with him, because that’s not normal in any way.

Doctor cleared him though, turns out he just really likes sleep.

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I usually sleep between 9 and 10 and wake up between 5 and 6.
When I lived in the city it was 11 to 6 and when I first moved to the mountains we went to bed at 8 as its just so quiet out here