Surprise! Four Secret Novels by Brandon Sanderson

For all the fans of Brandon Sanderson watch the video below first.

So as you can see there is a kickstarter available which has already crossed 15 million dollars.

There will be the four novels released quarterly and the other months will have boxes containing swag.

A year of Brandon Sanderson.


Who is he and what makes him so important?


An hour later and it’s over $16-million now…

He’s a fantastic fantasy author who somehow manages to write prolifically and brilliantly. Let’s just say I’m a big fan of his books :star_struck:

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Seems that there are a lot of Sanderson fans around the world:

Brandon here.

Everyone, I’m supposed to WRITE fantasy worlds—not live in them.

Not long ago we hit 20 MILLION on this Kickstarter, and as of this posting we’ve crossed an incredible threshold. We just became the number one Kickstarter of all time.


When I started writing Secret Project #1 two years ago, I had no idea what this would become. Back then it was just a chance to do something different, to search out a new kind of voice for my writing and give something special to my wife. Yet I can’t help but think that something huge has just changed. Not just for me, but for publishing as a whole.

Who would have thought that a group of quirky stories could rival—then topple—technological innovations and beloved game projects. I’m floored. And you did this all without even knowing what you were getting, save that I promised you it was awesome.

Thank you for this, and for making my dreams into realities. I will do my best to continue sharing new ones with you each chance I can.

Your Humble(d) Storyteller,



Five days. $ 24,579,554 pledged. 25 days still to go. :exploding_head:


Also looking at where the backing is going, most people want the books without the other stuff.


Final pledged amount is $41,754,153 with 185 341 backers.

That’s an average of about $225 (R3 375) per person!

I just did the $40 pledge for the eBooks.


I would have liked physical books. So I didn’t pledge in the end.


Still time to change your mind. $160 (R2 400) before shipping for the hardcovers though…


Haha, I’d need a softcover budget level, which I didn’t see.