It’s not that there is BTC unaccounted for necessarily—though MTI is declining to provide proof that it has the necessary funds to pay everyone if they want to withdraw at the same time—it’s about how the money has flowed through the scheme.
It’s also about the existence of this “Founders Bonus” pool. No-one who has been following MTI closely knows anything about the Founders Bonus, so they believe that news of the existence of such a bonus for 63 specially designated MTI accounts would come as a shock to regular members.
Analysing the data shows that these “Founders” accounts have in total extracted over 527 bitcoin in profit from the scheme as of 14 September, while the rest of the scheme’s non-founder members are over 7858 bitcoin in the red.
I am proud of myself, Im sticking to the diet quiet well, we did have takeaways over the weekend but I had half a portion. Im slooooooooowly breaking the sugar addiction.
Ive found decent replacements for the sweets I loved, but I am sticking to the guidelines they gave me.
Considering I am not even a week into the real diet I am impressed that I am managing it.
The good thing is the dietician told me its not a dont ever eat anything bad, just limit it.
On first glance I immediately assumed it was feta, but now that I’ve actually looked at the picture properly I’d guess some sort of cottage cheese with herbs?
Thank you guys Im just relieved it is over! No more Unisa fights.
As for the graduation, I attended my first one via Cape Tech (when it used to be tech and not CAPUT). So now will not miss that pomp and drama and the VERY boring speeches. I am just happy to get the diploma when they finally send it out.