The 10,000 Best Forum Posts on the Internet Right Now! (Part 1)

Explain this please?


I believe it’s to force yourself to breathe through your nose. I can’t remember why it’s done though.


I can just see myself having panic attacks



But at least you’d have the comfort of knowing that spiders can’t crawl into your mouth while you’re sleeping.



Thanks for sharing thr video, very insightful. I still get so confused with reps and sets etc. I’m keen take a challenge with you (and perhaps if others are interested), I would just need to make sure that whatever I decide to take on is that I only use my own bodyweight as I do not own any equipment. That said, I am sure you are a lot more capable than I. Currently I don’t think I could perform more than 10 push-ups. Though I have been aiming to get to a walk every day for the past month or so which is generally around 3km’s. I also want to try getting my son in on the action and do it side-by-side with him.


Apparently because of our modern diet and lifestyle our jaw goes slack when we sleep and our mouths open. This leads to mouth breathing at night which causes a whole whack of problems. You get in more oxygen than you need (our nose is like a regulator) this leads our nose to get blocked which leads to even more mouth breathing. Mouth breathing leads to poor sleep because of the increased oxygen (you’re basically not relaxing)

Like @Solitude says its to force yourself to breath through your nose.

The tape is 3M micropore tape (I got it by the plasters in Dischem). You can make it less sticky but its really not that bad.

You’ve got a point there. :smiley:

Ok, lets do it.

I haven’t done them for a while now but we’ll see.

Two weeks of constant rain, I haven’t been outside for a long time now. :frowning:

Thats a good idea!


ooh baby :smirk:

When do we start? I better start looking at proper techiniques to do these, I don’t wanna damage something :smile_cat:


Two more bald guys coming up!


I’ll start a thread.

@Wyvern Two videos in case you’re interested. I started with a strip across my whole mouth but now I just do a little piece. Beard makes it tricky.


Reminds me of the old saying…

Silence is golden. Duct tape is silver.


Duct tape turns “No, no, no” into “Mmm, Mmm, Mmm”.



Its interesting, but I doubt I will be able to

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WhatsApp Image 2021-02-02 at 21.49.32

So I have decided on 2 bracelets - Furiously Happy - Anxiety lies

What do you guys think


Hey there. Any ABSA users able to comment on something? was looking at accounts through my mobile app and saw “absa advantage”. it seems to be some kind of rewards program, and i’ve been looking at terms and conditions etc and i cant find any kind of sign up or monthly hidden fee etc…

whats the catch? I get the gist of “completing challenges” but i wanna know if theres gonna be some added fee charged to my account if i allow it…


So I’ve been using my CPAP machine for a month and a half now. One of the side effects of sleeping with a mask is that I now sleep with my mouth closed. My sleep quality has improved massively - I went from full blown sleep aponea at 54 events/hour (where an event is me semi-waking up from lack of oxygen) to 3 or 4 an hour, and my snoring events has gone from 45 an hour to 1-2 an hour. I no longer wake up tired and with a headache, I can operate with way less sleep than before, and I generally feel better in a lot of aspects.


I’d personally go for Furious Anxiety and Happy Lies

But yours would be better for encouragement. Especially Anxiety lies, because you can just look at it as a reminder.


Hahaha that is the idea, The Furiously Happy makes me remember to try and be positive no matter what, and the Anxiety lies, to help me snap out of an attack.


Happy cake day @WillySA!

And happy belated cake day @Stefan!



It seems to be an add-on for Absa Rewards. If you don’t have that yet, get it. I get around R500 back each month…