And tell them what the flip.
On the phone with them now asking why tf did you charge my 1.5k
Even me I want fibre now
I’ve got a friend who has a project manager role to fill?
Send me the details - dunno if I am qualified for that kind of thing but I am looking at everything
Project management is easy. You just have to hold meetings all the time and then question your team on why they aren’t delivering?
Here’s their URL
I will findt he specifics and whatsapp you once I got 'em
Dankie! IT is appreciated
It’s actually sad how true this is, at a basic level.
hahaha uh-yup… I laughed out loud when I read that.
Accurate to a T.
Not a bad view from the office I had this morning… Now the weather has turned and it is pretty mis out there!
Goeie fok they solved the riddle in less than 30 secs by searching for monkey on the website!
Edit: They’d charged my for 100/100 instead of 20/20 so that’s sorted now. The extra cash will deduct from next month’s amount so yeah pretty chilled now.
I thought that’s what it might be.
That’s really expensive for 100Mbps, though. My 100/100 service through Mind The Speed is R1038 per month.
That’s a good price for 100/100Mbps - I pay R1035 for 50/50Mbs although that’s on Vuma
Oh then maybe it’s not Cool Ideas’ price that’s very high, but the Mind The Speed price that’s very good
I was looking on vuma today and you can get 100/100 for R1037.
I pay R919 for 20/20 at the moment
We were just informed by our CEO in Washington that our company is being bought over by a competitor. Unsure times ahead…
Добро јутро! Тако ми је драго што је петак.
Dobro jutro! Tako mi je drago što je petak.