The password game

All I will say is good luck

I gave up at rule 16


I was about to post this haha, beat me by a few mins. I gave up at rule 7 lol.


Trust me rule 15 killed me
And a coworker got to about 21 when he failed

I draw the line at looking up the emoji for the phase of the moon.

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I got a patch of dirt field for the Country google one with no landmarks in sight…yea no thanks :stuck_out_tongue:

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Same, gave up on 14 :wink:

Fun game though. Reminds me of Not Pr0n, a web based puzzle game! Well worth a shot!

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Stopped at 11, too much effort to go check today’s wordle after having to do math twice, with one being in roman numerals


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this is as far as I get since I dont chess

That was my latest image (it changes) I just moved the camera around until I found a landmark and googled that

What masochist cunt created this game


I pre-decided I would give up as soon as one update causes an older update to break.

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notpr0n!! I’m pretty sure i still have a text file with all the URL’s and answers from where we were at the time ( you learn to write them down as they’re used in future ones)
We got pretty far if i recall…relatively…

good times!


I went as far as reading up on how the notation works but can’t figure out the move. I see your board is different though


Yea the board changes each time
Even the place on google changes

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I gave it another shot. I actually like the chess one, learned something today!

Now The elements in your password must have atomic numbers that add up to 200., I’m not sure I want to even try :sweat_smile:


Yea no thanks :stuck_out_tongue:

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Alright then Grand Master… best move for White in algebraic notation please:
Never mind. I was forgetting the + for “check” :man_facepalming:t2:

I thought I knew how to use chess notation, but everything I try either returns “Invalid notation” or “Illegal move”.


It gets stupid after that:

Rule 19: All the vowels in your password must be bolded.
Rule 20: Oh no! Your password is on fire. Quick put it out.

Couldn’t be arsed to figure out how to do that. Paul died. Sorry Paul.