The Riftbreaker

I see couple of you guys have this on your wishlist, do yourself a favor and play the demo. It gives you a good idea of what the game is about without being too restrictive.
The last time I binged on a game like this was probably when I played Factorio for the first time. 18 hours… 1 weekend :dizzy_face:

This game somehow combines about 3 different genres without tripping over itself.

The ARPG gameplay is super satisfying with no shortage of physics objects being exploded, incinerated, shot and nuked across the screen. The number of on-screen enemies can get quite insane.
Enemies have resistances and weaknesses to certain damage types, so the constantly switching up of weapons and play-styles keeps it interesting.
There are weapon mods that drop from powerful enemies or alien nests; they not only increase your weapon’s stats, they can also modify the functionality. For example, add the homing function to a rocket launcher, you now have a homing rocket launcher.

The base-building is more reminiscent of They are Billions in that you defend your base and resources from intermittent swarm attacks. Much like TaB, you need to build up multiple layers of walls and fill every available gap with defensive towers.
The different biomes (essentially different maps) you traverse during a play-though offers different methods of producing power. I like this a lot, you can’t just plop down cookie cutter base designs. Some biomes offer 200% solar power, but increased risk of volcanic activity for example. Others are blanketed in thick, toxic atmosphere and you’ll have to refine toxic sludge into flammable gas to use in a gas power plant.

The gameplay loop involves building up your base, setting up mining operations, researching some things. New resources are required, so rift jump to a different biome, setup operations to mine the rare minerals, defend from attack. Jump back to HQ, research more. All the while fighting the never-ending alien swarms and growing your arsenal of sci-fi weapons. The goal of the campaign is to rift jump back to Earth which requires this monstrous and expensive to run, rift gate thing.

It’s a new release from a small studio (they made an action TD before this), so it’s not without bugs. In my 20 hours played so far I’ve soft-locked twice, hung on a loading screen once (since been patched) and had some other minor glitches, I feel like they know it’s still buggy since the autosave interval is 5 minutes by default :smile:
Hasn’t taken away from my experience at all though.

At the moment there are 2 gameplay modes, Campaign and Survival, with talks of adding co-op multiplayer soon.

In conclusion, I’ve seen people describe the game as any combination of Factorio + dota + Starcraft + Diablo. I think a more accurate description is They are Billions (except in a sci-fi universe) with a little bit of Alien Shooter thrown in.

I’d give it a nice, biased 8.5/10, since I’m already partial to these types of games.


I tried it on Game Pass, but after I got wrecked on my third large alien swarm, I rage quit and uninstalled the game. It’s definitely not for me.

Edit: It is very pretty though, especially with ray traced shadows.


It’s also recently (as in last week) been added to Game Pass, so even more reason for MEWbs to give it a try (if they have Game Pass of course).

Game Pass - Xbox / PC / Ultimate - Gaming - Most Epic Win


Played the demo during one of the Steam festivals and enjoyed it. As soon as it became available on Game Pass I grabbed it, didn’t dive in as deeply as @SlinX but I’ll definitely be hopping back in for more.

The game is very pretty and runs well even when the action gets hectic.

I know @oltman has been playing it too

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I’ve seen from my Xbox that @oltman has been playing it a lot.

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I forgot to mention this, I’m running ultra on a 1070 and I only get frame drops when I got attacked by a ridiculous swam that took out a quarter of my base. Even then, rather than dropping frames, it slows the engine down. I think it drops frames below a certain speed threshold.

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I would have loved to be able to play it.

I did thoroughly enjoy it, it scratches quite a few itches, but with Satisfactory taking up so much time O just dont have room for it in my kife right now. I will keep it installed though, easily see it in my future though!

Sorry man, I wonder if it’s possible to rebind the J key via the .ini?

I’m guessing you’ve Googled all the possible fixes already

Ah yes, Satisfactory, now that is a major time sink. A fun major time sink though!

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I’ve pretty much seen two people besides me that have this problem, so it likely won’t even be fixed. I’ve dug around in what I thought was the configuration file but couldn’t get much joy. My only option will probably be some kind of key remapping software.

Satisfactory is so good. I’m waiting for update 5 to start a new playthrough.

That’s not a bad idea - most keyboards come with software for the RGB stuff and also have the functionality to reap keys. You could even set up a profile just for Riftbreaker so that when the game loads it activates the specific profile. Map “J” to “H” or something like that and then you can rebind in the game.