The Xbox Ultimate Game Sale is Live

Microsoft's Ultimate Game sale Launched last night at 10:00 CAT and there's a substantial amount of Highly rated titles on sale.

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Hellblade is only R180. Instabuy!!

Also Kingdom Come Deliverance is also discounted well, and it’s rather tempting

What I am finding though, going through the list go games, is that I look at a game and think, wow that’s a nice deal, maybe I should get it, only to then realise the game is part of Game Pass and I can play it at any time.


Also XBox Live Gold on 33.3% off for a 12-month sub. And 3 month Xbox Game Pass for 1 month cost (R159).

Both offfers say “Not yet an Xbox Live Gold or Xbox Game Pass member?” so assume they are only avaialble for new subs. (I still have a few days left on the Game Pass month I won recently and can’t select the 3-month discounted option at all. Will try again once it expires next week to see if it becomes available when I don’t have an active sub.)

Ultimate Game Sale page on ZA Store.

Hellblade is amazing. I can definitely recommend that to everyone.

Personally I have to finish more games so that I can eventually go onto Game Pass.

PSA - Only about 23 hours left to pick up a deal or two. Especially 3 months of Game Pass for cost of 1 month.
Only available if you don’t have an active Game Pass sub at the moment. Figured I do it now even though I won’t have too much time over the next few months, but I was planning on subbing in October to get access to to Forza Horizon 4 anyway. Now I have 2 extra months before then in case I do get a gap, and paid the same anyway.


you cant buy the gold specials if u already have a subscription like me :frowning_face:

That’s so tempting! I hope they have the special again closer to Forza Horizon 4 time. :slight_smile:

What do you mean?

Same issue that I had with the Game Pass exists for XBox Live deal - if you have an active XBL subscription at the moment you’re not eligible for the discounts.

But do you mean the regular gold discounts on the games or discounts on the Game Pass only? Because on the Game Pass makes sense but not on the other discounts.

Neither :grinning: There’s a special on 1 year Live Gold at the moment. If you have an active Live Gold sub you get the extra discount on the games. But if you want to buy more XBox Live time and you have an active sub at the moment, the discount doesn’t show for you.

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Oh! Ah okay cool. I’ve never actually bought XBox Live Gold via MS. There’s always someone at Carbonite or such selling them for cheap.

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