I also remember there being some kind of DIY thread topic. If I find it it is getting renamed “Home Improvement” to (a) make it easier to find and (b) because I’m feeling nostalgic.
Edit! @Entity , I have found these so far:
Hello MEW green thumbs!
I’m a noob when it comes to gardening, but the thought of growing my own food intrigues me.
Please share your garden pics, tips, tricks, questions, etc here!
We’ve had discussions that we want to have this site broaden its focus to other geek related culture, other than gaming. So share with us, what other geeky, nerdy things are you into? Maybe you will even find kindred spirits already on the site. Maybe you get to know about something you may not have known about.
I’ll start:
My main hobbies outside of gaming are either sport related (playing golf and action cricket) and photography. Although photography can be geeky in some way, I’ve found its …