“This is not the greatest topic in the world… this is just a tribute”

welcome home MH

You rang?

My wang?!?! How dare you!


Put it it away. There’s women, children, and men with knives present!


Howdy folks


Mike have :sheep: or :sheep::sheep:

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Hehe :smiley: Hows life back in the S of A?

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Its going better today thanks and you?

Are those sheep?
Funny Clouds?

Unclear as to what you are telling the Mikes to have.

Baa ram ewe

Jy dronk?

Dronk? Without sharing? That’s just not right

Mike, don’t lie to me!

You not the boss of me

same old same old, slowly adjusting to things like the weather and being out in it …… still exploring a lot, I know my town quite well, been to Leeds and Manchester. Also used the bus and train a lot now, so very familiar, lol

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The bus and train is making me feel nostalgic.

I miss public transport

Awesome song and series!

The wheels on the bus go round and round… round and round… round and round…

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The Japan vs Russia match announcement in the Opening ceremony seemed and sounded like a Tekken Fight announcement! Amazing.

i missed the opening ceremony… ugh… and my new boss is already driving me insane… she is sooooo paranoid about the internet.

So i need to find a company that will go and pay your fines at the relevant authority as well as renew your vehicle licence disks but(not payfine or paycity, cause then “they” will have all their details and know about all their cars and and and then come and rob you and and and) so i have no idea where to source such a company without giving out info over the internet.