Hey! I was thinking about you the other day wondering how its going. So how are things?
Didn’t even realise I joined on mario day. 2 years already, wow.
Morning you beautiful fuckers
Hope you all had a great week so far last stretch then it’s the weekend
Its Wednesday yay
Morning everyone
Morning people of the palace
Long week is long
did your phone decide to work now ?
Yes and no - I can use it when I don’t use the case for the dual screen - so I have to take it out of the case to do that kind of thing - yay me
Waiting to hear from LG - I contacted them about it.
So you can only connect to your PC when you take the case off?
thats kinda stupid. Wonder when they will reply
They replied to the whatsapp the next morning - it was fast but they have escalated it to the tech department.
yea its very frustrating cos I am petrified to break the case.
Load shedding to continue until further notice.
Fucking LOADSHEDDING WHILE IN THE SOLVENT ROOM. I’m high as a kite now
I thought you had SHE training the other day.
Was on Monday. Have fire training again in April
So they didn’t tell you not to go into the solvent room during loadshedding.
They did but I have to pick the solvents for the trips of tomorrow
Thoughts and prayers to @Wyvern as she manages a community Facebook group after the first case of COVID-19 was confirmed in the Western Cape.
Bwahahaha dude for now I just want to survive the outrage of 2 items, one where a mum felt threatened in Clicks during loadshedding and people bitching about dog poop not being picked up again.