This Short Film Is Written Entirely By AI

I somehow came across this video on Youtube, and I’m glad I did. There is some genuinely funny bizarreness going on in this short film. This is what you get when you feed the Harry Potter stories, Star Wars screenplays and Stephen King novels into an AI and get it to write a script.


Hagrid the table. Yip AI is great.

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Hagrid and Harrison. Still a better love story than twilight.

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Let’s not forget “the time Harrison and Charlie went to eat together just one year before.”

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All props to the AI with this line though: “I’m full of ordinary sounding words but when I say them, and you are there to hear them, all is well with everything.”
It’s actually a great line despite it’s clunkiness. :rofl:


Hey, the AI sticks to its guns. I like that.

“this journey will be the death of me” he whispered affectionately.

That’s where I lost it :smiley:


" a watery look of triumph."
