Today Is... 📆


The don’t want my blood because lobe earrings :thinking:


Did they give a reason why that is unacceptable?

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Oh they don’t want mine cos my blood pressure is always either to high or to low on the day


Apparently any open wound (my lobes don’t bleed and are kept super sterile) is a risk for blood infection (understandable with cartilage or body piercings). I find it weird seeing as if you have a cut etc you can still donate


:wave: Good morning! :sunny:

It is Tuesday, 15 June 2021
(W24 | D166 | 199 rem)

Today is: :star: Smile Power Day :grinning:

Smile Power Day is the perfect excuse to shine your pearly whites and show off those dimples. The smile is a symbol of happiness and vitality, a beacon of hope and an expression of emotion. Today, flash a real smile at everyone and everything. Go on…

What is in the power of a smile, one may ask. Well, when we smile we automatically trigger our own autonomic nervous system, which releases endorphins into our blood, to trigger a happy hormone. That being said, smiling at someone else, offers a chance for them too to feel that same happy hormone. It’s a win/win situation isn’t it? Start everyday with a smile and smile at strangers, it’s good for your immune system and it brings a little cheer to an otherwise possibly dismal day.

Nobody knows who came up with the idea of dedicating a whole 24 hours to the involuntary contraction of the zygomatic major muscle, but one thing is certain: we’re the only creatures on the planet that can do it.

Whether fate smiled upon you or not, you can always find a good reason to smile. So grin from ear to ear, look on the bright side and smile your troubles away, just like the great Dr. Seuss suggested: “Don’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened.” You may be wondering just exactly how smiling helps us mentally, but there are many reasons to suggest that it does.

We smile involuntarily, when thinking back on fond events, or of those we love, which is certainly a good reason to celebrate. If you’re needing some more reasons as to what makes smiling such a dandy little tool, you can soak up the following information: it makes you more attractive, so they say, smiling attracts the opposite sex and highlights both your personality and radiates warmth to others.

Smiling is also contagious; the only time that something contagious is good for you – it encourages and promotes a happy and healthy atmosphere and brings a sense of community. So when you’re that person who starts a chain of smiles today, be proud knowing you have created a little bit of worldly joy!

Why is smiling so good for us?
Smiling lowers your blood pressure; now this is mostly due to the fact that smiling releases that happy hormone we spoke about before. It temporarily relieves stress, so smiling more frequently will put your body into a state of relaxation. This is the same for your health, yes, smiling can in fact be a pain reliever! Allowing your body to smile and release that tension could in fact help you and if you’re skeptical on this fact, then take a look at nitrous oxide, better known as ‘laughing gas’, which has been around for years, a practical and ingenious idea to help ease your pain, so there’s even more reason to start smiling now isn’t there?


If you want a little boost to your self confidence, let’s say you’re waiting on that impending job interview, you might want to smile to yourself beforehand. Smile in the mirror at yourself, a power smile instils a sense of confidence into you. Continue your power smile as you shake hands at the interview and continue with a sense of calmness and contentment.

Smiling can and will make you look younger, forget about the laugh lines, the most troubling of all facial wrinkles is of course the frown lines which can make us look tired and withdrawn. Smiling allows you to work those facial muscles to keep them supple, practice it as part of your skincare routine and cut back on the botox bill, it’s not rocket science, it’s smiling! :wink:

Smile Power Day will also make you question just how much you smile as well as who around you takes the time to smile too. Now, sitting there all day at your desk with a grin like a cheshire cat is not going to really have much impact, however, it should get a few laughs from your fellow co-workers! You’ll start to notice the effect it has on those around you when you bring a little bit of joy into the room.

Depression itself impacts just how much happiness we feel, and many psychologists and therapists will encourage the practice of mindfulness and smiling more, connecting and feeling a more internal peace with yourself. Smiling forms a bond and connection between two people; whether that’s when they say thank you to you for holding the door open, perhaps it’s a smile you both share at a checkout or in a queue, or from far away, but it’s undoubtedly a very intimate and special bond that should be celebrated more often!


Challenge yourself, not just on Smile Power Day but also on other days of the year, to smile at least once to yourself, to a stranger or to a family member. See the response it has and the connection it forms; especially if you take time to let the smile last a little longer than usual. Remember, we all need a bit of encouragement, sometimes!

Smile Power Day is connected to the act of kindness and giving and being able to appreciate the power, not just of a smile but of a gesture! What would the world be without a few gestures?

Most importantly, when you crack a smile today, remember that it’s not Smile Power Day unless you can put a smile on someone else’s face, too.

Remember: Catch a Smile, Share a Smile! And have a superb, smile-powered day! :grinning::+1:


:wave: Good morning! :sunny:

It is Wednesday, 16 June 2021
(W24 | D167 | 198 rem)

Today is: :star: Fudge Day

Fudge Day is a day to enjoy the deliciousness of this decadent, sweet candy that is appreciated all over the world. It cannot be denied that celebrating this delicious, tasty treat is a great way to spend just about any day, especially on Fudge Day!

Fudge is a soft, smooth confectionary that is made by mixing and then heating milk, butter and sugar. A variety of other ingredients can then be added to create assorted varieties and flavors of fudge. Some of the most popular flavors include chocolate and peanut butter, but there’s a whole world out there of fudge flavors that are waiting to be explored.

Exploring new flavors of fudge and sharing them with loved ones is what Fudge Day is all about!

Fudge is thought to have been an American invention. The earliest documented mention of fudge can be found in a letter composed by Emelyn Hartridge, who was studying at the time at Vassar College, located in Poughkeepsie, New York. The letter detailed that fudge had been made and sold in a grocery store in Baltimore, Maryland, in 1886. At the time, the cost of 40 cents per pound of fudge. From here, word of chocolate fudge spread to other women’s colleges and eventually became very popular in the US.

In fact, many people believe that the first incidence of fudge may have been a mistake. It seems it could have been an intended batch of caramels that went awry, or “fudged”. That would make sense of the way we still use the term “fudging” something today.

I can’t find who originated it, or when Fudge Day even started. But you know what? I don’t care. I’m just happy that it’s a thing.

Be a sweetie to those in your world today - surprise them with a batch of delicious fudge! Your status as “The Best” will be cemented! :grinning::+1:

Here you go:

Today is also :star: Youth Day in South Africa


Youth Day commemorates a particularly bleak moment in South Africa’s history.

In 1975 protests started in African schools after a directive from the then Bantu Education Department that Afrikaans had to be used on an equal basis with English as a language of instruction in secondary schools. The issue, however, was not so much the Afrikaans as the whole system of Bantu education which was characterised by separate schools and universities, poor facilities, overcrowded classrooms and inadequately trained teachers.

On 16 June 1976 more than 20 000 pupils from Soweto began a protest march. In the wake of clashes with the police, and the violence that ensued during the next few weeks, approximately 700 hundred people, many of them youths, were killed and property destroyed.


Know more:


Ah man, those pictures of fudge have me drooling…


Go make some “for the family” :smiley: That Nestle SA recipe I’ve linked is pretty darn easy, and the results are delicious!


:wave: Good morning! :sunny:

It is Thursday, 17 June 2021
(W24 | D168 | 197 rem)

Today is: :star: Eat Your Vegetables Day


After the indulgence of Fudge Day yesterday (who had too much?!) there’s no excuses for anyone not to have their veggies today!

June 17th is Eat Your Vegetables Day. Strategically created in the middle of Fresh Fruit and Vegetables Month, this day is the perfect opportunity to re-introduce a healthy portion of vegetables into your diet. On this day, you are encouraged to eat vegetables for every meal, and a snack.


Better still, try to be a vegetarian for the day. Short of that, any additional vegetables at mealtime today will honour the event, as well as make you a little healthier.

Health experts reveal that veggies help keep your digestive system healthy and functioning optimally, and in doing so, they counteract the bloating effect caused by less nutrient-dense food choices and excess sodium.

The healthy doses of potassium and water in vegetables also help flush out unwanted salt and toxins while restoring your body’s healthy fluid balance. The result? You’ll feel great, and you might even look and feel leaner!

The energy in vegetables is in the form of complex carbohydrates. These take some time to digest and don’t cause the blood sugar highs and lows that sugars do. An exception to this rule is the sugar in beetroot or corn. (These sugars have a high glycemic index and trigger the insulin cycle.)


Experts also reveal that vegetables contain phytonutrients, which restore the skin and make it look younger and healthier. They say vitamin C in veggies also facilitates collagen formation, which helps reduce the appearance of wrinkles and also speeds up the healing of wounds, burns, and other skin problems.

The idea of this day is to have a vegetable with every meal, as well as having a vegetable for a snack each day as well.


Another great way to mark the day is something that I know a number of MEWbs already do - grow your own vegetables. This is one of the best things you can do throughout the year, and it is something that is going to pay dividends when it comes to turning Eat Your Vegetables Day into a more than once a year thing. You can source your veg from your own garden and use it in home cooking or snacking.

Eat. Your. Veggies! Or no dessert!

Have a totally tasty veggie day! :grinning::+1:


Ok so spinach in my breakfast smoothie is no 1.


do rice and pap classify as veggies? (please say yes)


No they don’t! That’s an extra serving of kale for you, young man! And still no dessert until you eat all your veggies!


Personally I love my veggies, not so much asparagus or egg plant. Now, where are my sprussel brouts bros at?


Make sure its not too much. The oxalates from raw veg bind to some minerals preventing you from absorbing them.

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I love those. Only really have them at Christmas though. :frowning:

Only 2 leaves, with mango and blueberries :smiley:
Lunch will be carrot sticks, cucumber, some ham, and cauliflower (raw)

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I’m having polenta (corn), so maybe this counts?

I also chopped up a habanero and a garlic clove. Sure, habaneros are fruit, but the pictures posted have peppers in the photos so I’m counting it.

I’ll probably have some carrots and home made hummus with lunch today.

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It is decided, we’re having pap for supper. It’s made from corn, so corn is a vegetable, innit?


Don’t forget the popcorn for dessert!