Today Is... 📆

To show my support I will get stung today…

Oh no wait, that kills the bee, right?


We have an owl box at the office that was colonised by bees.



:wave: Good morning! :cloud:

It is Sunday, 22 August 2021
(W33 | D234 | 131 rem)

Today is: :star: Be An Angel Day :angel:

Whether it is through the hand that offers you a way back to standing, or the fireman that pulls someone out of a building, we have all experienced someone in our lives whom we can call an angel. Whether it was a minor thing on a bad day that just helps us cope, or a major action that changed our lives, most of us have looked skywards and thanked God for that person’s help. Today is the day to recognize that, during Be An Angel Day.

We would be nowhere without the kindness of other people, right? In our darkest moments or in our time of need, we rely on the help of others to see it through. After all, life can be difficult at the best of times, and so when you work as a team, it becomes easier and challenges can be overcome.

The human race is truly remarkable, and we often find that help is there from unexpected sources. It could even be a complete stranger. Be An Angel Day celebrates this, and it gives us the opportunity to let our angelic sides shine through.

This day encourages us to inspire and support those who need it. It also is about recognizing people who have been angels to us. Whether it is poor planning, bad news, or something entirely out of our control; we all have bad days. Sometimes, we cannot even pinpoint why we are feeling that way. On those days, it is important to notice the people that make us feel good. You should recognize their energy, efforts, and kindness.

Started to encourage people to do random acts of kindness, Jayne Howard Feldman opened the doors to this celebration in 1993. Since then, it has become an entity in and of itself, helped along in no small part by social media.

The movie Pay It Forward is an amazing example of how random acts of kindness can become something more than any one person could ever have hoped. Even now, this day gets more and more recognition every year, more and more are jumping on the bandwagon of random kindness.


This would be the day to put others before yourself. Mow a neighbour’s lawn, maybe watch their kids for a few hours so they can eliminate some of the stress in their lives. Show someone you’re close to the gratitude and thanks you have for everything they do for you, even if it is just a call, a hug or a thank you note. Write a note to a loved one, fill a random parking meter, volunteer at a soup kitchen. Plant a tree or two, clean up litter at your local park or even give out some flowers to a random stranger.

Donate some clothing or items from your home that you don’t use anymore, or just reach out to someone who needs a little help. Every action we take that helps another can result in many different things occurring, not the least of which are lasting friendships, eternal gratitude and or sometimes just a feeling of contentment of doing something good. While it is true we should all strive to be more kind in our daily lives, and more aware of the plights those around us suffer from, this is the day to really embrace generosity, on this, Be An Angel Day.

Thank and show gratitude to and for all the angels in your life. And grab the opportunity today to be an angel for someone else in return! :angel::+1::grinning:

Do More Good:


But I am one everyday, it’s what my name means for Petes sake…

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The bee that stung me yesterday is an angel today…


Yeah, Petes an Angel for sure.


:wave: Good morning! :partly_sunny:

It is Monday, 23 August 2021
(W34 | D235 | 130 rem)

Today is: :star: Ride the Wind Day🪁

There’s no better feeling than the wind in your hair as you look out at a beautiful horizon. Ride the Wind Day is an excellent opportunity to marvel at all things flying, and perhaps take part in some flying yourself. Wind powers movement in many different ways, helping us travel through air and over water, as well as providing us with energy to use in our homes.

Created to celebrate the anniversary of the first man powered flight, Ride the Wind Day is a fun day that all members of the family can take part in.

Ride The Wind Day was created in order to commemorate the anniversary of the first flight that was powered by humans to be awarded with the Kremer prize. It was on the 23rd of August in 1977 that the first ever course in a figure-eight was flown by the Gossamer Condor 2. This had been set out by the Royal Aeronautical Society. The aircraft traveled a distance of 2,162 meters, slowly cruising at a speed of 11 mph.

Dr. Paul B MacCready built the Gossamer Condor 2. The pilot was hang-glider pilot and amateur cyclist, Bryan Allen. Today, you can find this aircraft at the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum, if you are interested in seeing what it looks like.


In a number of different sports, wind figures prominently, for instance, windsurfing, sailing, paragliding, kite surfing, kite landboarding, snowkiting, kite flying, hot air ballooning, and recreational hand gliding.

Some ideas for celebrating this special day include kite flying, windsurfing, hang gliding, making and sailing boats, watching birds soar through the sky or simply a picnic on a windy day, watching the wind in the trees. Children will love making paper aeroplanes or other flying toys and watching them zoom through the air.


Take to the skies (not necessarily literally!) and ride the wind this merry Monday! :kite::+1::grinning:

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(There are currently three Kremer Prizes that have not yet been awarded, for a total of £150,000.)




:wave: Good morning! :partly_sunny:

It is Tuesday, 24 August 2021
(W34 | D236 | 129 rem)

Today is: :star: Pluto Demoted Day

Yip, it’s a thing. On this day 15 years ago, the International Astronomical Union demoted Pluto from planet to dwarf planet. And Pluto’s friends and fans still haven’t gotten over it and still commemorate that sad day.

Many of us are fascinated by outer space and its many mysteries. Our own solar system went through a change in classification on 2006, when Pluto was demoted from a planet to a dwarf planet.


Pluto Demoted Day now takes place every year to mark that very occasion. While sad for fans of the former ninth planet of the solar system, Pluto Demoted Day is an important day for our scientific history and is important to remember.

Pluto Demoted Day is a great opportunity for study into space and our solar system in general, as well as the history of Pluto itself. Children will be interested to learn about the composition and nature of planets, and Pluto is a fascinating subject for science projects.

Marking the day itself is a good way to remember Pluto’s former status as a planet, from its discovery in 1930 to its demotion in 2006.

Try not to get yourself demoted today. :+1::grinning:

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Ya, but why can’t Pluto talk when clearly Goofy can.


:wave: Good morning! :sunny:

It is Wednesday, 25 August 2021
(W34 | D237 | 128 rem)

Today is: :star: Kiss and Make Up Day :kiss:

We all have fights with our nearest and dearest now and again. Whether a sibling dispute, a marital tiff, a spat with a best friend or a clash with the parents; whether it’s about a lie, a misunderstanding, relationships or the state of the kitchen, today it’s time to kiss and make up.

Sometimes a grudge gets held too long or we allow the little things that irritate us in a relationship to become bigger than they really are; Kiss and Make Up Day works to end those frosty silences, mood swings and critical comments. Instead, buy the person you love flowers, say sorry and tell them how much they mean to you, or if all else fails chocolate is usually a swift way to a person’s heart.

Today celebrates the fact that kissing and making up is the best part of an argument (especially where lovers are concerned), and sometimes even makes the fight worthwhile. Annoying habits and irritability aside, it’s good to have the people you love around you. So remember not to take loved ones for granted and appreciate the good stuff in your relationship. Top it all off with a big smooch and you’ve fully embraced the spirit of the day.

We have Jacqueline Milgate to thank for Kiss and Make Up Day and the friendships and relationships that we mend on this important day. Milton decided to create this day so that we had a dedicated period in our lives to focus on those relationships that have broken down, looking at different ways to repair them. If you are someone who often likes to bury their head in the sand instead of dealing with problems, this day gives you the opportunity to face issues head-on and resolve them once and for all so that you can move forward.


Holding onto silly grudges is bad juju. Apologize. Kiss. Make up. Be happier. Even if it’s a frog you have to kiss, my dudes. :frog::kiss::+1::grinning:


Sah-tep brother!

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:wave: Good morning! :partly_sunny:

It is Thursday, 26 August 2021
(W34 | D238 | 127 rem)

Today is: :star: International Dog Day :dog2:

No one can win hearts like man’s best friend and in honor of this bond between man and canine, Dog Day is celebrated.

Take time to appreciate the love and value that dogs bring to our daily lives, and to do your bit for homeless and abused dogs the world over. From keeping us safe working for the emergency services to supporting people who are blind, deaf, or disabled, dogs do a lot for us humans, and this is an opportunity to give something back.

Dog Day has been created so that all breeds of dogs are celebrated; mixed and pure. The day helps to galvanize the public so that they can recognise the number of dogs that must be rescued on a yearly basis, from pure breed rescuers, rescues, and public shelters.

The day is all about paying tribute to these incredible animals who work selflessly to bring comfort, keep us safe, and save lives. Every day, these animals put their lives on the line. There are dogs that protect our safety and freedom by detecting drugs and bombs, as well as those that pull victims from wreckages and tragic situations. Plus, we have dogs for the disabled, blind, and law enforcement. From these heroic dogs to our family friends, these dogs hold special places in our lives, and so it is only right that we honor them.

Let’s take a look at some incredible facts about dogs to help you get a better understanding of these amazing creatures. Did you know, for example, that the most successful hunter in the world is the African Hunting Dog? These dogs are successful in 50 to 70 percent of their hunts. They even hold the Guinness World Record for it.

Another Guinness World Record goes to the Saluki for being the oldest dog breed. This breed actually dates back to 329BC. Back then, in Ancient Egypt, these dogs were kept as Royal Pets. There are rumors that this breed can be traced back even further, as there are carvings located in the South of Iraq of a dog that looks very much like this breed and they can be dated back to 7,000 BC. Pretty incredible, right?

Did you know that dogs have three eyelids? This is something a lot of people do not realize about their furry friends. The third lid is a nictitating membrane, which is known as a haw. It is important for ensuring the eye is lubricated and protected.

There are also some distinct features that are associated with specific breeds of dogs. For instance, Shar-Peis and Chow Chows have black tongues. Also, 30 percent of Dalmatians are deaf in one ear. Also, did you know that if a cheetah and a greyhound were to go head-to-head in a long-distance race, a greyhound would win? This is because greyhounds boast exceptional long-distance speeds. They can keep up a pace of 35mph for as long as seven miles.

You may be wondering who started this incredible day, and we have Colleen Paige to thank for it. Collen is an Animal Advocate and a Pet & Family Lifestyle Expert. The day marks the date she adopted her first family dog, Sheltie. The day has been adopted around the world, and it is even written into legislation in New York, showing just how important it is.

Dog lovers, today’s the day you give your furry friends all the treats. All of them! And then all the loves and cuddles too. Woof. Woof! :dog2::+1::grinning:


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:wave: Good morning! :partly_sunny:

It is Friday, 27 August 2021
(W34 | D239 | 126 rem)

Today is: :star: Daffodil Day :blossom:

Daffodils are a flower that have been symbolically linked to the fight against cancer for many years, now.

Representing “hope” in the language of flowers, they stand for all the efforts of communities and volunteer groups in the search for a cure.

As such, Daffodil Day is a day when we’re reminded of all that hard work and research, and encouraged to do what we can to help it. From selling those all-important daffodils to raising awareness in the community of fundraising efforts, it’s a day for everyone to lend their help to a very important cause.

The logo for the Canadian Cancer Society is the daffodil. The flower had served as a symbol of cancer awareness since the 1950s, when volunteers for the Society organized a fundraising tea in Toronto; the volunteers used daffodils to decorate the tables, as they thought it would create hope that cancer could be beaten.

The use of daffodils for fundraising began in 1956, when volunteers handed out daffodils at Toronto-area restaurants, as means to spread the message about cancer awareness; at first, the daffodils were given to the patrons, just to get the word out about cancer, but when some wanted to pay for the flowers or make a donation, it was realized that the daffodils could be used as a fundraising tool for the Society.


This led to the first daffodil days in the spring of 1957, when Society volunteers in Toronto raised over $1,200 on sales of daffodils. As the first flower of spring, the daffodil became a symbol of hope in the fight against cancer and daffodil days fundraising events spread throughout the rest of Canada and amongst cancer organizations around the world, including the American Cancer Society, the Irish Cancer Society and The Cancer Council Australia. Today, the Society is the world’s largest purchaser of daffodils.

Daffodil Day has also grown to become an important fundraising day for cancer societies around the globe. Funds are raised for all kinds of purposes, to contribute to cancer research, to ensure that those diagnosed with it have resources and support groups to help them live with it, and to help cancer societies spread their message even further.


Nowadays, Daffodil Days happen around the world, often in conjunction with the first bloom of those flowers that have become so emblematic of the fight.

Daffodil Day is all about showing your support for cancer research, awareness, and cancer societies who are doing their best with volunteers to raise funds. As such, it’s easy to find local societies and organisations near you who can use some help.


Daffodils are the flower of the day, so it’s no surprise that you’ll find activities dedicated to them all around. There might be a Garden of Hope near you, where hundreds of blooms are on display to walk around while you grab a coffee and give a little back to the volunteers.

You can dedicate a daffodil to loved one or simply to the cause, too. This can mean buying a daffodil from a volunteer group and pinning it to your clothes, joining an origami daffodil event and donating, or even creating a virtual daffodil.



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Sounds like something Bender would say.