TotalBiscuit passes away at 33

Gaming critic John "TotalBiscuit" Bain has passed away.

At the start of May, Bain provided an extensive statement to the /r/cynicalbritofficial community on Reddit, where he provided a final update on his health.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

It’s very sad news. After his long struggle with cancer he died at the age of 33.


I didn’t watch a lot of his videos, but the couple I did watch were quite entertaining and to the point. It is indeed a loss.

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Sad news indeed

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This just plain sucks… i really liked TB, one of the few people i wouldn’t have mind meeting in my life, even if it was just to say hello.

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This is really sad news indeed. While I may not have agreed with TB on all his points, I always respected him for what he did for the gaming community in general. He was a titan in the industry and will surely be missed by everyone.


Very sad news.

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It’s very tragic when someone dies so young.

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shame RIP TB

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RIP, its a shame for sure :frowning:

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The man sometimes annoyed me but i can honestly say that i always respected what he said and did for gaming in general. He said what he wanted and meant what he said and that I’ll always admire him for.

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Thought it would be appropriate to paste a story his wife shared on Twitter in response to a supportive message from the Fortnite account:

Do you know what’s strange but kind of lovely? During the hepatic coma he was slipping into several hours before passing, TB was still reviewing and talking about @FortniteGame in his sleep.


sad news indeed. i quite enjoyed his reviews. Plus sits always tragic when someone young dies from a dread disease

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That is what I loved about the man even if you don’t agree with him he made great high quality content. I will miss the shoutcrafts he dit some of the funnest matches I have ever seen.
He also saved me a ton of money for games I had on my wishlist and after watching WTF and seeing if I might like or not like it.

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Yo, cancer! FUCK YOU!!

RIP TB, o7 & much F good sir.


Ok that got me, friend of mine phoned me this morning on my way to work to tell me the news.

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33 years of age. That’s just f***ed, man.

But cancer is one hell of a kak!

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Same here, but mostly because I don’t watch that many videos. But whenever I wanted to find out about a specific game, i’d generally trust what he would have to say.