Twitter is now X

I don’t think Elon is the person to fix issues of free speech when he “tweets” things like this:

Broken embed is poetic.

No matter what your beliefs are regarding his tweet, “fixing” free speech by imposing the opposite kind of “censorship” doesn’t seem to be a solution.


That’s not imposing an opposite kind of censorship. He is specifically talking about “repeated, targeted harassment against someone’s account”. Harassment is probably against most social media policies anyway, but just selectively enforced depending on which side you’re on.

Is harassment protected or ok under free speech? I doubt it because as far as I know, something like hate speech is also not protected. Besides, when I’m talking about free speech, I’m not referring to what names or slurs one person can call one another on social media. I’m talking about having open discussions about topics without one side being silenced because it doesn’t fit the social media company’s narrative. Harassment however, is not a form of open discussion.

If you’re specifically taking issue with his stand on slurs like “cis”, then you only need to look lower down in the thread for context to see why people don’t like being called some word made up by a pedophile. He has the same stance on some of the more colourful slurs directed at gay and trans people so he at least seems to be consistent.

I have no problem imposing rules as long is it is enforced consistently and not one sided like it is on other platforms (and has been on Twitter). It seems like he is just balancing the playing field.


I have jumped through all the options

Still find that some of my fav accounts was still now showing properly - mine was setup for basically F1 everything and now I get so much random crap “recommended” to me

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But who is going to decide how to “balance the playing field”, just Elon himself?
Is he going to have a committee, will public input be part of it?

How is Twitter unbalanced anyway? Is it having real world impact on people and organisations, like with FB and Cambridge Analytica? I genuinely don’t know, as I suspect I use Twitter in a very different way. It’s just a platform where I follow artists and friends.

I am all for a more fair Twitter for everyone. I probably won’t see it (because of how I use the platform) but I absolutely do not oppose the concept.

I am sceptical that the current Twitter owner is the person to do it. He has the potential to massively further his personal and business gains by having a huge platform, with a massive amount of data.
I can’t believe that he’s just altruistically improving Twitter.

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I’m going to call it Txitter for now.


Sounds Xhosa.


Anybody can balance the playing field. All that is needed is to enforce the same rules for everyone instead of allowing anything from people that are aligned with their views and blocking content from people who are not (which has been the case in the past). If you had any opinion that went against the mainstream stance on Covid, “the religion of peace”, sexuality and sometimes even Joe or Hunter Biden, then the posts would get blocked or you would get shadow banned. These couple of topics are just the ones I can think of just now because of how publicized they were.

To be honest, I don’t really use twitter yet and it would have been much more preferable if he took over something like Facebook. I guess Twitter is more popular with the younger generations that are all about short-form (Twitter, Tiktok). Given that it is probably the only viable free speech platform at the moment, when I have the time and energy on day, I’ll probably look into it a bit more.

But yes, apparently Twitter is quite popular and people are apparently having impactful conversations on it. Not sure how they do it in 160 characters, but ok (I think the limit has been removed though). They do allow for videos to be posted though and in the videos, people aren’t limited to say sentences that max out at 160 letters. :slight_smile:


You have it, we want it, we’ll take it…


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Advertising is advertising, no matter how small the target audience.

Wait, is an entire side of an apartment complex small? Seems kinda big to me tbh…

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Glad I’m not living in that building. Probably just a matter of time before they’re ordered to take it down.


Seems a bit extreme to take down the whole building, but you never know with Elon :pensive:


I meant the sign will be taken down. I’m sure the bright light shining against the building is against some kind of regulation. Unless it is an office building and not apartments.

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