Warframe — Wake up, Tenno

I remember the second video, especially that rough landing for Excalibur, from when I first installed Warframe on my shiny new PlayStation 4 back in the day. They had just launched on console and were the new hotness as a high production quality free-to-play shooter.

Trying it on console first was a mistake, in hindsight. I would have enjoyed it so much more if I experienced it with mouse + keyboard. It took three years before I tried the game again on PC.

Thanks for setting us up with all your loot, @Wyvern!


I think that is the part I loved most of warframe. It was so well designed for pc, that it was just amazing to play. The amount of love that I feel for this game actually tops my love for ME. And the loot was a pleasure. I will have to start again if the game allows me to play. I honestly miss it so much.


I wish I had space on my Switch to download it again (had to delete it to make space for Dragon’s Dogma). It actually plays really well and the gyro aiming is pretty great.

Had a lekker session with @1nF4m0u5 last night. Managed to tick off two planets from my to do list and killed Ropalolyst for the first time. I say kill, but I did absolutely nothing. I just stood there and before I knew what was going on he was dead. That’s pretty much most of my Warframe experience with bosses to be honest.


I’ll download tonight, but going to need an epic refresher course! Haven’t played in AGES, but you reminded me how good it was :smiley:


I played a bit more this weekend. I feel like I’m starting to get the hang of it.

I really want to get the MK1 Braton to 30 so it can go away forever

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Add me on steam and then we can do some missions or what not


@1nF4m0u5 and myself had a lekker session again last night, we played until just before 1:00. Got my Zephyr Prime from the forge and leveled him a bit, leveled some (new) weapons and cleared some more nodes. Also finally got Mirage Prime BP and finally started crafting the parts for her. I’m quite excited about that since I’ve never had the frame before, not even the non-prime version.


We should do your Nightwave stuff aswell so you can use the creds you get for Nitain :mechanical_arm:


I am always keen on joining people for warframe! Unfortunately I am only able to play to 10pm. Let me know in discourse when you guys/gals play and want a third wheel.


Just add on steam and if you see me online pop a message easy man :mechanical_arm:

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Done! mine is @Boerewors


Sweet dude. What’s your Mastery Rank for conversation sake

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18, but been a while since I played, just got into some venus orb boss content the other night with @SIGSTART


Not bad. Yeah Sig plays alot few times I was online. Maybe if we get a full squad we can do Eidolons :mechanical_arm: or ESO

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I didn’t realise how much content this game has.

I just hit MR3 and it seems I have barely scratched the surface of stuff to do


downloaded it this weekend, played past what i assume is tutorial level. did a “get segment” mission. Was slightly annoyed when i found what i thought was a secret area (some maintenance sewer shaft thing) that was completely empty except for red neon boxes that i can’t open (yet?)

its k :slight_smile:


I love this game, play it a lot but DAMN it is new player unfriendly. You have to wiki almost everything, the game itself tells you next to nothing.


Possibly. I got to my ship and went to what I thought was next mission or next area. and it ended up being like a social player hangout :stuck_out_tongue:


Yeah, if you’re a new player getting into Warframe it can be overwhelming. Especially with the two “open world” areas, there is just an immense amount to do now.

@Mottamort and @Deadlypinecone: If you’d like someone to run with let me know. I was guided through the first parts of the game, and in turn guided two of my friends.

It can really help to have a person that gives you direction, and who can be a semi-intelligent voice assistant for the Wiki.

Another useful resource is the new player video guide by a YouTuber called iFlynn:


I do appreciate it, but I’m not 100% sure i’ll get in touch. I do tend to enjoy discovering/levelling up, and I don’t like to be sped-run/boosted (i know thats not what you said, but sometimes for people its the same thing) at a new game. you do end up missing out on experiences. i DID manage to get off the ship/nexus/social thingy and go to the mission and unlocked segment which lets me access marketplace. Around that time I was called away by mates for some CSGO. will play again :slight_smile: