Warframe — Wake up, Tenno

Anything like Diablo 3 rifts by any chance?

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I’m not entirely sure how rifts work in Diablo 3. I think the correct term for Warframe is Void Fissures?

How it works is that you use them to farm top tier parts to craft new weapons/frames. Specific relics have a chance to drop specific parts and they also have “subclasses”. You get Neo, Meso, Axi and Lith but then under them you get different types of each that have a chance to drop different parts.

The missions rotate constantly and you basically choose one and then choose a relic to take with you. In the mission certain enemies will drop an item and once you have collected 10 of these the relic will “unlock”. Upon completion of the mission you will get your reward from the relic. The cool thing is it will show what your entire squad gets and if you’re not happy with your own reward you can choose something that someone else got.

There’s a lot more depth to it but I’m not too clued up on all the finer workings.


Ah ok I see. Not really like a Diablo rift at all then.

Except for grinding them for better stuff


Happy to help you get through it (and farm some bosses to get good frames).

Ranking up your mods is just as important as getting good frames. Rhino is a great tank and all, but if you don’t have a high-level Vitality mod and some power strength and such, he’s not going to scale well.

Also when you join a clan you can get all the parts to make Nezha. The friends I introduced to Warframe last year joke that he has been their “crutch” throughout the Star Chart. They play and discover new frames, but whenever survivability is needed, they default back to Nezha. (Wukong is also good for this, but Nezha has more utility, IMO.)

Anyway… When are you usually playing? (I figure we can organise to co-op in public, then if others want to join, they can jump in when we’re playing.)

This is exactly how I was going to explain it :smile:


Thanks, yeah we should definitely get some MEW Warframe “playdates” going. I don’t have a set time when I play, I just play whenever I feel like it, but most likely it will be late(ish) at night.

I have both Nezha and Wukong and one or two prime and umbral mods :stuck_out_tongue: I was very fortunate to randomly join a clan with an awesome leader who has EVERYTHING in the game. When I first joined he called me to the dojo and gave me a bunch of decent mods (primed, weapon, etc). The clan also pretty much always has all the new research done up to date whenever I go in. I’m surprised they haven’t kicked me since I’ve only played with them like once or twice and I’m inactive for months at a time. :stuck_out_tongue:

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Relevant comics (via this thread on the Warframe forums):


If I play and I get a random I’ll stick with them until they don’t want to. Cause being a new player and all the others won’t help cause you are new sucks


I am not aware of any online community where this would be real… You mean people are nice and help noobs and share resources and become friends? Never! :joy:


That’s Warframe. Because it’s co-cop, I think it encourages the best in people, but also it has one of the most amazing online communities in gaming.


Yeah Warframe community is one of the best you will find.

I think the only one I’ve interacted with that is ever so slightly better is the Bloodborne (reddit) community, that may just be my bias for Bloodborne though.

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So I played a bit last night to see if it’s working fine for me now.

I have no idea what I’m doing or what’s going on.

Started off going to this junction place to go to Venus and there’s some mob there trying to murder me for some reason. Nothing is set up properly on my frame or weapons. I eventually killed it by pulling and old school circle strafe tactic.

I then went back to Earth to a place called Cetus. I wondered around the place going full tourist only to discover the truth about this absolute hellhole. They seem to be harvesting a building for meat. I then went out to the plains and got rekt hard.

I give it a 5/5. Will be a shitty space ninja in some murderous hellscape universe again soon.


Haha, the trip to cetus sums up my experience as well, ecept i took a bounty and then joined a bunch of randoms, but i spawned very far away from them, eventually i cought up only to fail the mission coz i brought a bunch of mobs with me that killed the person we needed to protect, the mobs then procceeded to insta kill me and another guy, i then siftly made my exit to my spaceship feeling very guilty as i just accidentally griefed some guys.


Haha luckily I went solo to spare myself some embarrassment. My bounty was to kill 25 enemies. Didn’t seem particularly hard at the time.


I’ll join you oaks tonight if you want to squad up :mechanical_arm: I’ll be in the discord

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If they are not there that one group of weirdos in the beginning of the channel is always playing warframe

Their channel is private, so folks can’t join on them.

(They’re friends of mine who needed a home after the various SA TeamSpeak servers freaked out on them for the millionth time.

If anyone else needs a private channel on the Discord, let me know.)

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I might also play tonight, we’ll see how it goes.

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I’ve already got an appointment tonight. I’ll catch y’all next time!


I made a thing about the new intro cinematic:


OMG that original video, that is what got me into the game. SPACE NINJAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAS

I think the ice planet was the release of the Frost Prime wasnt it - yes it was https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Conclave:Frost/Prime

Also remember these:

My headband arrived, had it for years in my room, now its missing.