What are you playing now?

Played a bit of Disciples III. Bought it ages ago because I loved Disciples II so much. The game rage-quit for me (it crashed, okay?) after a superwolf killed my whole party :neutral_face:

Then I played DiRT 3. Figured racing might be fun. It was marvellous.:clown_face:

Busy playing Divinity Original Sin EE on Steam when I get around to it - like tonight! Probably only 10% into the game at the moment, but absolutely loving it on PC. Got around 7-8 hours into the game on PS4, but it plays so much easier on PC using mouse and keyboard…

I’m rotating between PUBG, Diablo III (finally got back into for the first time after ragequitting before RoS came out. RoS is excellent! Now I’ve got a lvl 68 HC Wizzard!), and Dishonored 2, Fallout 4, and Civ VI on the single player side. Last night I got myself Subnautica (birthday gift to myself), so I’ll probably be trying that out today and tomorrow.

Do you play with a llama and Kung Fuhrer every now and then?

uhm im guessing you mean thats ppl online, and if so no i cant say i recall playing with them

Subnautica , so far so good enjoying it

Ja, people online that I play with regularly. They played with a Wenzdays a couple of times recently, so I was just wondering…

MMM how recently and on what? i know there is another wenzdayz on Battlfield 1, so it might not have been me. and i changed my name on origin to MeowMeowRobot. should probably change it back…

Nah, this is on pubg. I don’t play BF, don’t even have an Origin account.

Only PC!
The Division (yes, only bought it in Dec with season pass for sub R400)
Railway Empires
Offworld Trading

These ones gathering dust
Ghost Recon: Wildlands
Battlefield 1
Rise of the Tomb Raider
Tomb Raider (reboot)
Endless Space (Want the DLC)
Ark Survival Evolved (need to go feed my dinos, mmm)
Minecraft (Farms to be harvested, cows to be fed, mmm)

Getting deep into Subnautica. :smirk:


So I decided to work through my backlog and started up Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands. Had the game forever and finally finished it this weekend.
One down, one million to go.

Pillars of Eternity (PC)
Assassin’s Creed Unity (XBone)
Edge of Nowhere (Rift)

Need to get back into it. Found my time drain again last night, Endless space 2…

I must still play this too. Also had it in my library forever.

Been playing warframe for hours and hours and suddenly realised that I am at a stage where this niggling question keeps popping up: “whats the point?”

Stopping playing now, will go back when there is more content. Time to go through my backlog: replay Subnautica and finish it, do the same for Osiris and then finally finish divinity 2.

Xbox one X

Shadow Warrior
Forza Horizon 2
Forza Horizon 3

I’ve just started playing it - so to me there is a hell of a lot of content - but it does seem to be compilation of my most hated game mechanics. Protect this, escort that…

been wanting to play that for ages

Gothik 4 on xbox360

I was keen for a crappy console rpg that I didnt want to worry about too much, just lie on the couch and plough through the story levelling up my character in the most unstrategic way because I dont care it’s a crappy console rpg.

turns out Im having a blast.

It is a a real bad port though, grfx are sub par and the frame rate is horrendous but good story and dialogue. Story reminds me of the Witcher 2.