What are you playing now?

Animal Crossing New Horizons
Monster Hunter Rise

DBZ Kakarot

EDIT: Started Hyrule Warriors Age of Calamity up again today as well. Forgot the new DLC is out next week so I wanna play through the campaign again before then.

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Still failing at FTL and Dirt Rally 2.0

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Done with Dungeon keeper, now on to DK2, don’t really like it as much, it feels like they tried to get to fancy with it and kinda lost some quality, but it will keep me busy at least

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In my attempt at trying to find a game to settle on I started playing Immortals Fenyx Rising. Seems to be sratching an itch thus far.


Finished Mass Effect 1 Legendary Edition. Surprisingly buggy for such an “old” game. Also, a bunch of things I thought would have been fixed like some of the choices that was broken and not properly carried through to the next games. Those bugs have been fixed by mods years ago so I would have thought that it would be included in this. I thought wrong.


Which bugs? I can’t recall any off the top of my head, except for the odd non-replicatable glitch

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There is a whole log of bug fixes on Nexusmods that has been fixed by the community, but the one that really got me was the slow graphics at places that causes the game to freeze while the music still continues in the background, requiring me to forcefully close the game and start it up again. I fought Saren probably 5 times because the game tends to freeze up during that final fight and once after the fight during the final cutscene / decision (which means I had to go through Saren and all the unskippable cutscenes again).

I’ll maybe look at loading mods for ME2 before starting with it. I pretty much jumped straight into ME1, thinking that they’ve fixed everything from the past and upgraded graphics, thus no need for mods.

Other than that, everything was fine and the gameplay was good.

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I been hooked on Mad Max lately. Such an underrated game in my opinion and still such a pleasure to play.


My word, I just had an insane amount of fun with Ragnarock (VR)! The theme, mechanics and of course MUSIC all just click with me. It was quite a workout as well, especially on some of the harder (and faster) songs. This beats Beat Saber hands down! Who wouldn’t choose some rune-infused, Mjölnir-like hammers above some rave glow-sticks? I most certainly would, and did!


…and I played again this morning. Now have a couple of hours of playtime on it and I’m only scratching the surface. I’ve attempted almost all the songs on the easy setting so far (I have 3 more left) and then on to medium for them all! I’m proud to have gotten a couple of gold medals in some songs on my first try. It’s the rhythm game I’ve been yearning for - folk metal drumming with a viking theme!

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I must get this

It was on sale for the Halloween event and I had some Steam funds in my wallet due to card sales and Discovery Vitality voucher redemption. So I decided to take the plunge. Funny that this is the game to bring me back to VR after an 8 month hiatus…

Resident Evil 8

Animal Crossing New Horizons
One Piece Pirate Warriors 3

DBZ Kakarot
Metro 2033
And soon Forza Horizon 5

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I played Orwell over the weekend so that I can play the expansion that I kindly got from @GregRedd

Interesting game. Kinda scary too. Seems we are heading in the direction of the game.

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I finished Greedfall last night and it started off great and then became rather boring. I got a horrible ending which I felt was unfair too.

Next up is Forza Horizon 5.


Call to arms Its alright not as good as men of war assualt squad 2.

Stalker anonamly. If you haven’t given this a go I’d recommend it. Its free don’t need any of the games. Its pretty hardcore but amazing updates the graphics a bit adds so much to the game its like its own game.

Age of empires 4.

Destroy all humans but I’m kinda getting bored of it.

insurgency sandstorm


Forza Horizon 5


Minecraft on PS4.

Unfortunately I’m on my 24" monitor since my TV is busy packin’ it in…

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Animal Crossing New Horizons
Star Wars KOTOR

Metro 2033
Forza Horizon 5

Nioh 2

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Raft, really fun little survival game.
New world
Fallen Earth: the first post apoc MMO from way back when, they opened legit free servers for it.
Going to give SWTOR a try again