Who wants to participate in Secret Santa this year

As you all know it is getting close to that time of year again!

Who wants to play along this year - we can keep it digital?

Secret santa
  • Yay
  • Nay

0 voters

@1nF4m0u5 @Avatar @aldyr @Ani @Armitag3 @Beo @bradbear117 @Boogey @Beemerstein @czc @CrONus @crzwaco @DieGrootHammer @DarkStar @Deadlypinecone @Dragonic @DarthMol @DohcWP @Entity @FarligOpptreden @Flex @FriedPet @Fivelza @GregRedd @GerhardNiemand @Glordit @GeezMo786 @Grievous @Grobbie @Hiro @Hornet @jaydogg86 @jacosmitza @Kwaai @Konck @LazyDemoni @Lum0SITY @Murph @MetalSoup @Mottamort @murfle @MalicE @Munage @Nimatek @Nosferatie @oltman @PsychoFish @SlinX @Shrike @SIGSTART @Solitude @Saint_Dee @Sweepslag @TechThief @the9avenger9 @Tydmors @Talentloos @TH3MAESTRO @Viper @VirtualForce @wenzdayz @WarRack101 @WillySA @Wlad @Weasley @anon16365652 @Youneek @z1oc


Keeping it digital is a great idea. There are plenty of options available these days.

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I’m going to have to skip again this year…

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I shall join, digital only of course

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Yoh finally in a better position to join this again :smiley:

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Oh and if I have forgotten anyone please tag them!

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I’d like to be a bit different this year - I only want to give, and not receive. Will that even work in the name drawing? There’s honestly nothing I want currently that I can’t find on Game Pass or in one of my blackhole game libraries, so I’d like to participate in the festive cheer by giving, rather than receiving. Having more games added to my backlogs that I’ll inevitably never touch just feels like wasting someone’s hard earned cash.


I am sure we can make a plan :slight_smile:

Sorry people but I have to skip this year. With the house moving coming up and this house not in the market yet, money is very tight.


I’m kinda in Farlig’s boat here. I would like to participate but not being on Steam any more makes my santa’s job increasingly difficult.

Hmm… I’ll mull it over.

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Unfortunately I probably won’t be able to join in this year.

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You know there are options like gift cards for psn and xbox?

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Sorry, finances in turmoil, stiil/again…


Considering all the fund raising I’m doing to be able to stay in the country, I better skip this year.


haha I am aware. I just assume that these platform are generally more expensive than the likes of Stream and therefor not preferred.

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If it is all digital, and it ends up being just buying a game for someone that they want, and getting a game that I want, why dont I skip the middle man and get myself something I want?

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See I would love to go back to physical gifting - so I am up for that!

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What about gifts of a digital nature that aren’t games? We could do “handmade” gifts for example you make a video for the other person showing how to make a recipe from your family cookbook. Or you could play them a silly song on an instrument, or read them a poem, or make them a piece of artwork (digital) or just profess your undying love (or hatred) for them in the video instead. These things don’t necessarily cost money, just a bit of time and heart.


Not a bad idea. But then we should share those with everyone :grin: I will get FOMO!

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