Xbox Consoles Are Getting a New Home

Starting today, and rolling out to all Series S|X and One consoles over the next few weeks, there’s a whole new look coming to Xbox Home screens.

After a 9-month stretch of tweaking and tuning with input from members of the Xbox Insider programme, the new Xbox Home “Experience” will be gracing gamers screens and monitors soon.

The New Xbox Home Features

  1. Makes it easy to go to your Library, the Microsoft Store, Xbox Game Pass, Search, and Settings at the very top of your Home by introducing a quick access menu.

  2. Creates more space for your personalized background by simplifying the layout and putting the games you recently played and other content and apps towards the bottom of the screen.

  3. Adds an option to change your background to match the game you are highlighting in the recently played list.

  4. Improves game discovery by introducing lists of games curated and personalized for you.

  1. Allows you to customize your experience by pinning your favorite games, curated groups, and system groups like Quick Resume to Home.

  2. Helps you find what’s going on in your community through the updated Friends & Community Updates row.

  1. Shows you what media apps and content are available to you via a Watch & Listen spotlight and list of entertainment apps

Once you have the new Home on your console and you want to customise it to your liking, the Xbox Home Customization Guide can help.

Let us know when you have a shiny new home for your Xbox console, and share a screenshot with us here.

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It looks a lot like the layout of the Xbox PC app.


If Xbox needs a new home they can come live with me.


*Xbox consoles have got a new home.


Aw, so I was too late with my offer…