Assetto Corsa & AC Racing League [MEWRL]

Yup. I’m planning on making it conditional so I can choose a stage and see who’s available.
Here’s what stage 2 looks like:


@Dragonic is the server :laughing:

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Dude, if you can figure out what Witbank’s area number is, I’ll give you a prize.

I mean, the prize will be a high five, cause I’m poor.

But you won’t be able to, is the point. :smiley: Witbank’s load shedding schedule changes regularly, all my apps can’t keep up, we rely on daily whatsapps, and that’s not even accurate for my house, so to try and take my schedule into account is an exercise in frustration.

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Fair point, we’ll leave it up to you to inform us then. I can’t imagine how much shit that must be causing for your area.

Gallo Manor (16) - is that what you’re looking for?

For me it’s Country View 8B. My load shedding is pretty hectic during the night but hopefully there’s some overlap of power that I can join.

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I promise I tried that before :stuck_out_tongue:

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I tried. Call the number on your municipal bill?


Witbank doesn’t have people that answer, but that team is the source of the daily whatsapps.

Link to spreadsheet

Please if you can, double check if my times are correct.

If my table is correct, we can probably look at scheduling the Kyalami race for next week Monday or Wednesday. I’m leaning more towards Wednesday if it stays at stage 1-2.

Voting time.

  • Monday 17th
  • Wednesday 19th
  • Can’t make either day :frowning:

0 voters

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On Monday I may be able to join a bit late, but it might be in time for qualifying and the race then.

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I’ll be good to go Wednesday, and same as Darth if it’s Monday.

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Oh, but, but, but…

Will it make a difference that I have the newer version of the Kyalami track installed? It now has 3 versions of the circuit in it (visual and weather differences I assume) a Summer version, a Winter version, and a 9 Hour version.

There’s also 2 additional shaders that are included in the download but that I had to manually copy into the game folders.

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hmm, I want to say it’ll be fine since we’re only using the summer version, but I’d rather be safe than sorry, and there’s been a lot of sorry’s lately :upside_down_face:

I’ll update the server by Thursday. You guys need to take it upon yourselves to make sure your shit works before race day.

I don’t mind pushing the start by 30 minutes if everyone else is okay with it. Rather late than DNF.

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Still can’t see server

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Server is throwing tantrums here… cannot find files etc.
You can still see the other 2 MEW servers right?

edit: Nope SM is just not working for some reason. After looking at it for the past 30 minutes, I have absolutely no idea why :persevere:

edit2: Well this is wildly frustrating…

edit3: fixed :checkered_flag:


Just a shout out of thanks to @SlinX for setting this all up, making server plans, working our schedules out and generally being awesome! Thanks bud!

Please can you teach @GregRedd so our F1 wont suffer as much? :angel:

