Assetto Corsa & AC Racing League [MEWRL]

Petition for someone to make me a livery :pray:
Anything that says live love laugh and lack of taste is a symptom


Go go gadget random Cortina skins!


Wow, the man went on a spree. However, that Official Gulf skin is all mine if you guys didn’t see my name on that beaut! :smirk:
Also notice how Slinx put his car in front? Time to take him our in this next league guys.


Hey @Slinx, please can you update the grid with a certain car #22 :wink:

I will make a final livery pack this evening. Once I upload it, it’s final, no more changes, otherwise everyone has to re-download, and then files go missing and old versions get left in and it just becomes a big mess.

I’ll remind again later, but before installing the liveries, please delete all current ones, just clean out your “assettocorsa\content\cars\lotus_cortina\skins” folder
The one I upload later will be the server version.

I just want to do it properly this time, unlike the MX-5’s where everyone had different versions of the liveries compared to the server :slight_smile:

Don’t forget the most memorable livery:!AtWalqhhb9Fznld_1ol0aIs4NAlw?e=AphBdq

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Got it already thanks :face_vomiting:

You know how sometimes you see a sign deterring some behavior and you wonder what some guy must have done to warrant a whole sign?

Ya… no memes next time :do_not_litter:
Don’t let me catch you having fun round these parts either.


Someone going all EU on us…


Next he’ll be banning selfies, neon glitter paint, and right turns! Bloody police state!


I think a police state would ban LEFT turns not right :smile:


No, no, no, only jump-starts, lap 1 dive-bombs and general kak driving.

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Hey now, you know @Dragonic and I try our best. No need to get all personal and stuff… :frowning:



Complete change of topic but for everyone in the thread:
List 5 things, that will help make someone a better driver. No encyclopaedic answers. Preferably, applies to any track simracing regardless of game.

  1. Use the whole damn track
  2. Get used to hitting apexes consistently even if you have to slow way down (not during a race obv.)
  3. Prioritize corner exit above everything else, make the line from the apex to the outside of the track as straight as possible
  4. Always look ahead, e.g. before you hit the apex, shift your focus to the outside of the track and plan your exit line, etc.
  5. Get used to the handling characteristics of 1 car at a time.
  1. Listen to Slinx
  2. Listen to Aldyr
  3. Listen to DarthMol
  4. Listen to DieGrootHammer
  5. Listen to Oltman

Not in that specific order, before Oltman gets a wee bit sensitive on me.

  1. Nothing can compensate for practice.
  2. Work on your consistency, speed will come with time.
  3. Nervous drivers make mistakes, work on staying calm and collected. Experience helps a lot with this.
  4. Don’t expect other drivers to keep/leave/give space. Sure, they should know better, but that doesn’t help you when you land up crashing out of the race.
  5. Take the time and effort to understand how setups really work. Shortcut guides are great to jump ahead but real finesse and speed comes from understanding how it all works.

Bonus tip: Know your limits. You’re not going to be brilliant on every single track or with every single vehicle combination. Also, sometimes it’s just not your day.


And most importantly…

Remember… The race is won on the first lap in the firat corner :rofl:


Corona Cup skin pack

Please delete all current skins in your “assettocorsa\content\cars\lotus_cortina\skins” folder before extracting. This contains all skins submitted so far.

  1. Find a static braking marker for all corners, where you can brake the hardest.
  2. Find a static turn in marker, where you can turn consistently and hit the apex.
  3. It’s ok to roll through the apex of medium to slow corners, it will settle the car.
  4. Find a static marker to line your car up with, that tells you, it’s ok to accelerate hard now.
  5. Try to brake or accelerate in a straight line.

NB: a static marker examples: braking distance board, lights, poles, start of curbs, end of curbs, change in tarmac, marshall stations, advertisements on the side of the track, specific crowd models on the side of the track, track dips or bumps, change in wall colour.


Oh, one thing I forgot to add to my list is how to gain consistency.
Rule #1, don’t restart your lap, make mistakes and carry on.
It seems like a relatively minor thing, but it does wonders for your consistency and ability to recover from mistakes, big and small.