Assetto Corsa & AC Racing League [MEWRL]

Dis darem still hier vir Race Day!
@SlinX where we racing? making lekke certain no one gets any practice in this time ne :smiley:

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I don’t even know.

Lol wat gat an. Is there even a race tonight then?
Busy times at the moment?

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I have a meeting tonight so won’t be able to join in the chaos. Enjoy it guys

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Don’t stress @SlinX. RL busy is way more important than Corona Cup planning. If need be, we postpone for a week, no problem. Or if we do go tonight, use circuits we’ve used before.

Go with Bridgehampton and Goodwood and finished.

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Not to worry, we are still in Australia tonight.

Round 4

@aldyr @Stromlo @jaydogg86 @Dragonic @GregRedd @GeezMo786


Mo sport, mo problems


It will be mandatory to be present in the MEW discord, racing voice channel going forward.
I don’t know how to contact Ryan, but if anyone does, please pass the message on.

Sorry for the no-show. Stuff happens. Hopefully everything will be okay and I’ll be back to being a mobile chicane next week again.


Yoh that was good. That second track was win. Missed @GregRedd and @DarthMol. Even @oltman, eventhough I know he dodged us. I just want to tag him regardless.


Also, @aldyr requires a title that has something to do with his constant spawning inside other drivers :rofl:

I must say, both of those tracks will be added to the Corona Cup rotation, they are so awesome. I must just remember to get the LIDAR version of the 2nd track.

Driver Standings after Round 4

# Driver Rating Points
1 Kelvin Andrews A+ 2553 213
2 Deon van Schalkwyk A 1858 180
3 Brent Forbes A 1928 157
4 Ryan “THE NEW GUY” Pey B 1023 101.5
5 Dayaan De Villiers B 1387 84
6 Ruan Greyling B 1019 73.5
7 Exavia Gordon C 1928 69
8 Mogamat Jacobs C 141 59
9 Cohen Sassman Provisional 48
10 Greg Redd C 1435 48
11 Graham Mol B 1171 42
12 Pieter Geldenhuys B 1748 37
13 Tyler Provisional 4
14 Thomas Provisional 0.5

Since the ballast now works, it goes according to championship standing as follows:
1st: +100kg
2nd: +80kg
3rd: +60kg
4th: +40kg
5th: +20kg

Ballast is added before the qualifying session on each track.


I really think the ballast helped make the racing closer last night.

And yeah, that Mo’sport track needs to be used Mo’re. Once I got hooked up it was incredible! Except for the “corner corner corner!” hehe

At any one time, I’m already carrying 20kg’s emotional baggage. :face_with_head_bandage:

I spawned INSIDE @SlinX, for the second evening in a row. Note to everyone: if there’s going to be a reverse grid race, do not quit after the first race, and then reconnect. Stay connected to the server.

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Serves you right for asking me to calculate math during the race! :grin:

Corner Corner Corner is what made the race for me haha. It also made me feel like I’m somewhat close to you guys at least. Not a whole lap behind.

That moment when you made him calculate math, only to be intrigued by the question yourself and going wide. :rofl:

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That cost me the race! Caught in my own trap lol.
The radio banter is fairly distracting to me, but it adds to the Corona Cup fun! If it was a serious race I would probably not have been on radio.

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It’s always a serious race. It’s just how well you can handle the banter. Lol

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Hey I wouldn’t be a proper racing driver if I didn’t use excuses!