Beating Off 2.0

Mornin’ all.

I have no idea if I’m expected to go in to the office today :expressionless:

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haha at least I know I have to work at the shop today, lots of extra hours this dec for me :smiley:


Morning all so a dog playing with a plastic drum woke me up on a day I wanted to sleep at least till 8 :frowning:

O well more gaming time then.


Last week of work for this year, eeeeek


Wow, the forum is really dead on a weekend or public holiday… I’ve had it open the whole day as a tab on my second screen waiting for some action, but alas.


What is this public holiday you speak of?

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You remember good old ZA’s rules regarding public holidays (like Day of Reconciliation) that falls on a Sunday? The next Monday automatically becomes a day off for the general population.

But yes, I get you. I don’t know what a public holiday is. I’ve been working for the most part since Friday (including Saturday and Sunday) on a report due to attorneys tomorrow morning. Started at 08:00 this morning and still going strong…


I hear you, I’ve got so many little personal projects and stuff going on that weekends have become “those days I don’t go to the office”

The line between home and office has really become blurred for me, seeing as I write my expert reports from home. My “study” is also slap-bang in the middle of our living area, with open plan kitchen to the right, fireplace and baby playroom directly behind me and family living room directly in front of me. So I’m constantly sitting with headphones on drowning out noise and try my best to focus on the tasks at hand and not be distracted with all the movement (wife, baby, mother-in-law and domestic) around me.

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I’m fortunate in that regard as I have a dedicated study (also gaming room and can double up as a bedroom) on the other side of the house. But that does have some interesting logistical challenges.

I can’t hear my wife talking in the lounge, so we have to get up and walk or communicate via IM or walkie talkies (I can recommend the PJ Masks ones)

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Hi hi all, how goes the holiday not holiday?


Not fun not fun. Still working on my report and I’ll probably be busy for another couple of hours. What makes it even more fun is seeing my colleagues and employees all edging up their Power Levels in Destiny 2 while I sit and work.

And even more fun? Everyone’s going on leave this week and I’m stuck supporting our biggest client who doesn’t close down, because employees deserve to take leave. I honestly feel like taking off a whole month sometime next year and cutting off all work-related communication.

/end rant



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My schedule for January and February is already jam-packed, as well as August next year, so my time is getting limited for choosing that gap-month. Reality is I know I’ll never end up doing anything like it and will at most end up taking a week - and then probably around Easter when there’s already a ton of public holidays.

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Why not take april?

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whilst everyone was resting i was busy upgrading the front brakes on vorsprung, struggled for a day and a half to bleed it, hopefully the pedal stays firm and this should vastly improve the stopping power. Now im full of aches and pains.

Rims might be dirty but the brakes are clean :grin:


It’s probably the most realistic period for me at the moment. Will see how my schedule pans out during the beginning of 2019 and lock in some leave then.

What makes it slightly, well awkward, would be the fact that my wife started working for us last year. She got a full 3 months worth of work in before going on maternity leave for 4.5 months (but worked remotely a day or 2 each week). She’ll be back in January, so if we decide to go away for a bit of a holiday the perceptions would be that she never works and gets preferential treatment as the boss’ wife. :stuck_out_tongue:


I know right

We have a dedicated study and we’ve had it for years but we always had the problem of being ‘antisocial’ if you sat in there and worked for hours. I’ve always wanted to move the desk into the lounge area as there was space behind the one couch and it was 100% that picture you posted if your gaming setup that pushed me to do it. Hence my picture I posted. Now the family can sit together even if someone is on the pc. If they need to concentrate they can also do the headphone thing.
The study is kinda empty now but I’ll figure out what to do with it some time.

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Just got home from a video interview filming session with Tom from Survivor SA. I’ve never watched Survivor so didn’t know who he was and actually asked him ‘are you Tom?’ When he got there. Haha.

Then on the way home, seeing that it was dead quiet on the roads, stopped at a few new buildings with cool architecture to get some quick photos. Don’t worry, we didn’t jump any walls, we don’t do that, but the one place was a mall and they sometimes sticky about photos being taken. Literally stopped in front of the architectural parts, left the car running, burst off some shots and got out of there. Haha

So ja, just thought I’d share :grinning:


Well, uhhh, I’m glad I could motivate the move to a more social family? The setup I posted is exactly where I sit and work. It’s nice for gaming, as I can be part of the conversation, but not so much for intense work…

I’m actually looking forward to our new offices being ready end of January. I’ll have my own office for the first time in my career of 15 years, where I can close the door and focus on getting work done. Currently it’s all open plan with more people talking than at home, hence me choosing the lesser evil currently.

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