Call of Duty: Warzone

Hopefully the undersea cable gets fixed soon so you can play…


Yeah but right now I’m really enjoying Blasphemous :mechanical_arm:

So found a fix for the issue. I’ve set my battlenet apps region to the americas and now I can play again. Yay!


I caved and am getting a vpn see if that helps

I’ve tried playing this a few times.

First time it wasn’t long after downloading it (100GB’s), it required another 12GB update.

Second time, I managed to get into a loading screen where my PS4 said it was getting too hot and closed the game.

Third time should have been the charm, as I loaded into a game after matchmaking, my kid decided to get stroppy and thus I got instakilled straight after landing.

Screw this game!


For some reason to download the 17gb that I need to play it. The download speed is absolutely outrageous

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Ja it’s because if the cable break. Lots of people were complaining about it.

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Dink ook nie hulle gaan dit binne kort fix nie

Making progress :mechanical_arm:

Dink weer. Die een kabel behoort more reg te wees en die ander een teen die naweek.


I’ll just leave this here:



I deleted this the other day to make some space on one of my SSD’s. Not knocking the game - it’s actually quite fun! Just wish it didn’t take up so much hard drive space. Between all the racing games and a revived interest in CSGO (with the occasional Apex here and there) I’d only be playing the occasional match.

interesting…im getting alot of my MP stats as well. Havent played Warzone that much to be honest.

Also there are a couple of tournaments that are happening this week on ACGL for warzone and for the MP.

Downloaded and started playing this yesterday out of boredom. It’s not too bad, more enjoyable than other Battle Royale games I’ve played. Still need to try plunder mode.

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Played a few plunder matches now. I like this. Much more than the BR mode.


Yup, but for some reason only known to a god they made Plunder Duo only now :anger:

Yeah I ended up playing both matches solo now. lol. Still fun

but that’s the thing, you can easily solo Plunder, even when it was quads. there was no reason to make it duos