Coronavirus - COVID-19


Alright - so midnight Thursday, going into Friday.


That is how I understood the speech as well

That and his use of the word Categories . . . .

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So how does the whole lock down affect all of you?

My boss really hates it that people will work from home. Don’t know why he is so against it.

But yeah, have a big project to finish so I’ll basically be working from home with a deadline set on the project.


Currently not a clue he doesnt communicate with me.

I am taking my desktop home with me on thursday to finish minor things and to be able to check my mail once a week. (I don’t get much mail at all just a couple of invoices).

i am planning on painting my bedroom since I have nothing else to do.

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I could do my job from home, but I’m at the mercy of the ports, SARS, transporters, warehouses etc and no-one knows who’s going to be operating and who isn’t.


Mine does too. But we sort of forced the issue this time.


Judging by some of the comments here and in other places, I get the feeling that there are a good few “bosses” suffering from low-key narcissism and self-inflated ego issues who are struggling to accept that they and their businesses are non-essential.

It’s simple bosses. You are not more important than the health and wellbeing of your staff and your community. Your bottom line is insignificant and meaningless without staff and customers. Do not wait for Thursday. Do the right fucking thing right fucking now.

Give your staff the assurance that you will do everything in your power to ensure that they are paid, and that they will have jobs when this is all over if you are still able to operate. And then let them go home to allow them some time to make as best arrangements for the lockdown as they can for themselves and their families. This is especially relevant if there is fundamentally no reason why many of your staff shouldn’t have been Working From Home for the past week already anyway!!

In short, bosses be better.


bums in seats = productivity and managability

without having people around managers tend to feel a sense of unease bause the control is taken away from them. Not everyone’s case sure, but based on my experiences and monitoring human behaviours.


My small business is not doing too great, but I must abide by Lockdown.
Rather broke, than sick. FORTUNATELY, mine isn’t the main source of income in our household.


Going into work for one last meeting. Going to have the meeting on microsoft teams.

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Looks like our entire company will be closed during the lockdown. Not sure if I’m still getting paid, probably not.

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Fake news just confirmed so removing


Fortunately, colleagues and I will be working from home as our company closes (just the building). Our company is very supportive of their workforce and has put measures in place to support and empower its employees to be able to work from home.

I haven’t seen any requirement or necessity to check in hourly or anything, as long we’re “doing work” - the trust, responsibility and accountability fall on us as individuals to treat the scenario in a respectful manner.

That being said, we are doing some sense of refinement/planing in order to determine some work for the next two sprints (4 weeks), so while this isn’t 100% full sprints and work has become somewhat relaxed.

Personally, I am worried and hesitant in working from home, the distraction and kids etc cause me to lose focus and anti-productive. Ordinarily, I encourage and support remote work and teams and think it’s a discipline that a lot more companies can embrace. Hopefully, this opportunity changes a lot of preconceived notion that employees and manager have regrding this culture.

Just some thoughts…


I was convinced this infographic was fake and/or a misunderstanding by a low-level staffer.

It was tweeted out by the head of digital communications in the Presidency, but the Presidency account itself hadn’t tweeted it out. This was unusualy, because the Presidency account had tweeted out a stack of infographics in the same format.

Anyway… long story short is that I’ve been fact-checking all morning because the government doesn’t have the decency to put out proper legal documents about all this stuff in a timely manner.

The spokesperson for the President has confirmed that the infographic is true. The first day of the lockdown is Friday.

The SABS should really put out a standard about how the word “midnight” is allowed to be used in formal defintions.

Wrote a piece about this on MyBroadband it pissed me off so much.

Where did you confirm that the Word table circulating is fake?


Regarding the midnight thing.

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That argument is so bad…

You count down to midnight on New Years and celebrate when the new year begins. At the start of the new day.

FFS man. This crap riles me up and I don’t know why. :rofl:

Here’s Wikipedia: The custudian and arbiter of all human knowledge:

As the dividing point between one day and another, midnight defies easy classification as either part of the preceding day or of the following day. Though there is no global unanimity on the issue, most often midnight is considered the start of a new day and is associated with the hour 00:00. Even in locales with this technical resolution, however, vernacular references to midnight as the end of any given day may be common.

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I have a detective friend at the police - it has not been circulated by any of the Western Cape departments.

I should add that if something like that is circulated he will let me know

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It matches my view of midnight so I’m taking it as gospel. :smiley:

I would have preferred something more absolute like 2020-03-26 23:59


Thanks @SIGSTART for helping out with the confusion.