Destiny 2 — The Final Shape

Saw this on reddit. Seems there’s going to be alot of changes coming. Quite curious to see when these will take place


I saw the next expansion got delayed until 2022? That’s when they’ll see me again, if it’s on game pass. As soon as I exhaust the new (story) missions I lose interest. The gameplay is still great, but the grind is too much. I just don’t have the willpower to do these long exotic quests and what not.


So the misses got my Beyond Light as an early present. Really excited to start with that and then have been grinding the battle pass content aswell.

Saw something interesting on reddit about enemy armor

Vex armor

Cabal armor

Hive armor ( For those that didn’t know according to lore Hive armor corrupts hence why we got the Crown of Sorrows raid.)

And then Fallen armor

Looks awesome. There’s also a discussion going on for the Festival of the Lost armor where you can choose which you want. The two choices are

Dragon Armor

And then the Monster armor

So yeah that’s all that’s interesting that I saw. Have about 4 weeks for missions to catch up on and then trying to find a bigger clan for me and a buddy of mine. But other than that I’ll see you Starside :mechanical_arm:


That Hive and Fallen armour looks sick af. Would really love to get back into Destiny but the grind has made it nigh impossible for me.


It is challenging not gonna lie. Stopped playing wheen season of the drifter started and begun again mid season of the hunt so yeah I have alot. But it’s really fun

So along the way Destiny introduced ‘Sunsetting’ rendering your favorite weapons from earlier of the game useless. They are going to kill this feature seeing as most players and Devs complained is useless trying to force players to rotate the new gear and weapons. There’s rumors that this will be adjusted with the new season thats coming.

With that being said I can’t wait to play with Midnight Coup again. (The leviathan hand cannon) grinded most of my competitive games with that gun to try and get Luna’s Howl or Not Forgotten. The new meta for hand cannons in pvp is the Igneous Hammer ( Trails of Osiris) and a guarantee drop from the seasonal challenge where you need to win 7 rounds in trails. Easier said than done especially since you need to be a full fireteam.

The new season drops on 11th of May rumors are the Vault of glass returns with a few twists. So Destiny 1 Vets have somewhat of an advantage.

And that’s about it that I can think of now that I want to tell you

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Hopefully have this downloaded by the weekend.


  1. in the game as it is now in 2021, what are the classes like? To paint a picture of my playstyle preferences: I like healers/pet classes (pets or turrets) in games. Which class is best for me to play? Warlock?

  2. Also which class uses its abilities more than its guns since I am a pretty poor headshot player.

  3. Worth getting the latest expansion? Or wait until I am done with the F2P part?

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Destiny is about gunplay. Each class has one Super (which takes an eternity to recharge) and one class ability - like throwing a knife or smoke grenade. Further than that, you have a standard grenade, 3 guns and loads of maneuverability. There are no pets, turrets or healers in the game. It’s about coordinating assaults on bosses and mobs and navigating tricky platforming sections. And the gunplay - which is the best in any game ever.

As for which class to play, find the one who has the Super you like most. I’m a Hunter fan. The Warlock gliding feels terrible to me…


Warlock is the best. That is all.


I see in some videos that the Warlock has a heal area /dmg boost area skill, is this on a very long cooldown or used at all? I also see that some later skills has a floating “thing” that shoots at mobs for it. Are these just fluff and never used at all?


Most of the skills in Destiny have long cooldowns, especially the supers. The healing / dmg boost cooldown is not too long though. It has saved my life on many occasions. It also works well when you’re in a squad or playing PvP to buff your teammates.

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You can roll 1 of each class and see what playstyle you enjoy the most. I’m usually an engineer type player and the Hunter suits my playstyle and aesthetic perfectly.

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Titan is life!


Trying my best to answer your questions

  1. Warlocks can throw down a healing rift or use divine protection. With supers you get Well of Radiance. It’s a DMG boost and you heal if you take damage in the well. Lasts for about 30 sec I think.

  2. Yeah the whole game play is gun play. You get a few class exotics that help with ability regen

  3. I don’t know much about the F2P part. What I do know is Shadowkeep is I think 120 bucks on CDKEYS. I got all the expansions and especially with Beyond Light there’s alot to do. I’ve finished the Story missions but there’s so much more I need to do. I’d say why don’t you try and get the new Season that starts 11th of May. It’s about 1000 silver ( I think 250 bucks) and if you like it then I’d say definitely get the other expansions. @wenzdayz normally play with me and she has everything so maybe she can help with explaining this more

And yeah that’s about it. With classes it’s a tricky part

Hunters are amazing if you know how to play them

Warlocks can either be dmg support or full on dmg

Titans can add buffs or do dmg.

It all comes down to what you like. I’ve started with Hunters and D1 and just love them but yeah I think I’ve ramble enough on to make no sense what so ever.

This basically sums up Hunters in pvp

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So to summarise the finances here:

  1. Download game, it is F2P, play through starter campaign
  2. Buy Beyond light: R582
  3. Also buy season pass R250

Is that about right?


Not entirely. You can still do alot even without the expansions. With BL you get a new super that was the meta in pvp. With the season I’ll make you a deal. I’ll buy it for you and then you can decide if you want the expansions. With the season it’s every week a new mission and alot of extra stuff and then seasonal challenges.

The game is definitely F2P but like I said I don’t know what’s the starter champaign or missions

From what I read, the F2P will get me to PL cap of 1200. To progress beyond that I will need to do missions to get gear to hit softcap and the expansion will have those as well as the season. The season will also have a season artifact that will help increase my softcap to hardcap. The power level progression will take some getting used to but I am sure actually playing the game will make it clearer for me.

If I like the game in the F2P part then I most definitely will get the Beyond Light expansion since I am a sucker for ability choice.


Like I said I’ll get you the new season that drops and then boom easy

That is incredibly generous of you, I will take you up on it if the game bites me and sucks me in in the F2P campaign. Thanks!

Almost done downloading the base game, will check it out soon.