Destiny 2 — The Final Shape

All good dude. The guardian games are also live now so that’s pretty fun

You should really start with The Forsaken. It was an incredible story…

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I think I still have a Forsaken steam key from Humble you can have if you want

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That would be great! I am REALLY struggling to find a direction to head into, there is no clear quest lines that I can see. I would love to just run a quest line and see a story, so far, not found any. The game is not very new player friendly at all.

I am hoping that something like forsaken will give me a clear quest line to follow.


I see a lot of talk about long cooldowns and slow super charges. you people must not be doing your builds right…

not 100% accurate. each class has 4 subclasses, 3 of those sublasses have 3 different setups and supers. the 4th is more of a build it your way kinda subclass


What I meant is you have one “skill” to perform. You use it so infrequently (unless you can generate tons of orbs) that it becomes a nice bonus when it’s charged. The majority of the game depends on movement and gunplay. Both of which are better than most (if not all) other FPS games.

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100% agree. the balance between abilities gunplay is superb. currently my super charges quite fast because my melee kills charges it, and my melee kills on a massive scale :slight_smile:

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I see CD keys are offering beyond light steam keys for R375, I have used CDKeys before for other things, think this will work?


It def will
Not sure how the questing works ingame anymore, and i played it for the stories not the end game, cos the stories was awesome

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Is that an answer for the CDKeys question? :wink:

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yes :stuck_out_tongue: sorry, overtired brain

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Finally unlocked solar/arc subclasses for my Warlock and discovered the ability trees, oh my, so much experimentation to do!

It is weird that they don’t actually make this part of the game clearer, I totally stumbled on the ability trees by accident.


The forsaken expansion is exactly what I wanted, a story to play through, unique environments and a variety of combat situations to experiment with all my new found abilities, thank you so much @Deadlypinecone! I also noticed a lot of heal/buff/support abilities in especially the solar subclass, nice, exactly what I want to see.


I will see what I have still and see if I cant join some nights


I am burning to buy Shadow keep and Beyond light now on CDkeys. Will wait for a bit until I am done on Forsaken. I love playing through the story.


Yea I dont own either of those as well. And no new games for me for a little bit :smiley: So I can do content that I have only

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@Shrike so it’s safe to say you like the game?

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Oh yes!


Yay someone new to play with :mechanical_arm:

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that’s the only major problem I have with Destiny. It REALLY needs loadouts. It’s a schlep having to swop around all my gear everytime I change activities