Destiny 2 — The Final Shape

It looks amazing dude and they memories from the rooms and all that is just bliss

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Goodluck with dares tho if you want to rest it cause theres a hidden multiplier that runs but if you launch any other matchmade activity you lose that multiplier. Must say you get a nice space rock after you rest it

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Didn’t take long before I realised I will need to get Beyond Light, Forsaken, Shadowkeep, and The Witch Queen. Then there seems to be stuff locked behind seasonal content too which needs Silver.


Got my healing glaive, my healing set up and now … run out of things I am willing to do. I just don’t see the point after a while. I remember the same feeling before. Well 56 hours is not too bad for the money I spent and it is always there if I want to go blow stuff up.


Have you done the seasonal quests yet? Remember there’s a new part releasing weekly. And Solstice of Heroes is coming during the last weeks of this season. And have you done Vox Obscura yet? And the catalysts for many of the exotics guns?

I find there’s a lot of stuff outside the narrative elements to do in the game.


I consider all the quests in my quest log and the question always comes back to me… why? Higher equipment level on pinnacle weeklies? Catalysts for weapons I don’t use? The story? None of these give me any satisfaction to complete. Once I completed the healing glaive quests, I had a weapon that changed my playstyle and it was fun for a bit.

I guess I am just all played out on end game goals in most games. Unless it drastically changes the way I play the game and offers new tactical uses, I am just not that interested. The fragments and aspects did that for a while. The witherhoard exotic certainly did that for a long time (area denial on a grenade launcher opens up so many tactical situations), stasis powers did that for a long while as well.


I’ve been sucked back into the Destiny 2 hole and found myself playing all day yesterday.

I must also say, playing Destiny on and off for the past 10 years, I like the vision and direction this is heading for 24-25. I may actually dip into a year pass.


I’ve been tempted with the latest DLC being on sale on Steam. I stopped playing after The Witch Queen and my year pass ran out. But I’ve been feeling the itch to get back into it again, especially after casually grinding Diablo IV since it released on Game Pass.


Yeah thanks…


Mmm… beefy