Destiny 2 — The Final Shape

My biggest issue with D2 has always been the dungeon jumping puzzles. This weekend I did the 30th Anniversary dungeon solo and gave up after 2 hours of struggling. The mechanics are insanely punishing. As you know @1nF4m0u5 I absolutely suck at jumping/timing puzzles. Going to just skip them and do what I like doing. Which is blow stuff up :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Try the Vox Obscura quest solo if you want a timed challenge… :wink: I managed to crack it after 14 tries.

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That will crack me after 2nd try.


It’s worth it though, the exotic GL you get as reward is great. Being able to switch elements is great for match game shield busting in legendary Lost Sectors.


How much PVP do you engage with it?


Ah yes, I do that with Hard Light when I used to farm legendary lost sectors.


I have done some straight up PVP for legendary traits but it frustrates me too much. The only PVP I enjoyed in the past is when there is a special map up where everyone gets one shot mechanics.

I like running Gambits every now and then for the bounties, it is more PVEPVP so it is ok.


Team Scorched or Mayhem! Both loads of fun. I like Momentum Control when it comes around as well. Otherwise I dabble in some PVP each week, primarily for the Pinnacle. But I often find I reset my Crucible rank much faster than Vanguard or Gambit. If fact I’ve never reset my Gambit rank before…


I can always do it and pull you to the next boss XD but yeah the jumping takes a while to get used to hence why Hunters are the best

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On a daily basis? Or weekly?


All I’m trying identify is how much PvP you’re engaging with out of overall gameplay, cos that is one aspect in most games I really dislike. Being forced to partake in that turns me off and pushes me away.


Nah dude pvp is purely there for if you want to play. To get better gear you might have to do like 3 rounds but other than that you really dont have to do the pvp aspect

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Everytime I try to get back into this game I just play any new story content there is and then I’m over it. Will get Witch Queen eventually. Just not now. I also don’t like how they take out old stuff to add new stuff. If CoD can be 300GB so can Destiny 2 :stuck_out_tongue:

I miss the days when we are playing Destiny 1 on PS4.


Ain’t that the truth.


Pretty sure when we did Destiny 2 as Gameclub we (I) didn’t do any PvP.


I believe you are correct sir. But then the requirement was merely just to get through the campaign, with no long-term seasonal content or grind required.


Found this quite interesting.

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Decided to follow the healing Glaive trail, did the Preservation event solo last night. This is the kind of thing I love doing, it was all about shooting stuff, moving stuff into killzones for my lovely Witherhoard to melt. Not a single jumping puzzle in sight! Took me 2 and half hours but it is done. I find the best thing to do in this game is to set a goal and go for it with little breaks now and then for the other play loops like bounties etc.

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I love what they’ve done with the Leviathan.


I guess you’re back in the universe? I need to get time to play again - I only rushed through my weekly seasonal story step and did the Nightfall completions. Haven’t even touched Crucible, Gambit, Strikes or Xur craziness yet. Nevermind progress in the Witch Queen story…