Right so I made it to lvl 25 with a druid, unfortunately I feel like I chose the wrong style of play, I went for a melee werewolf build, but unfortunately the item drops were not in my favor, my dmg was horrible the entire game, and I died so many times, at least until I was able to get a legendary weapon that increased my companions by +1, then I actually enjoyed it a bit.
I am not the biggest fan with the whole MMO thing, the amount of lag that happens when entering or exiting a town is insane, which I believe would be most likely because it has to load other players the whole time, and its trying to load players who have the same state of the world that I am in, I personally want a mode where I can play alone without any randoms around, even if it disables the world enemies I would be fine with that, I want to take in the world on my own time, as I especially disliked it when another player was on the same side quest as I was started a boss battle, but because I was not there when he started, I missed out on most of the fight and possible dialog.
I love the world this time, its grim, its dark, its gory, it feels more like diablo, if you look back to diablo 3 now, it would just look like some cartoon. I am very interested to see where the story goes, I liked the throwback to Diablo 2, and seeing one of the diablo 3 npc’s already, it especially makes me exited to see what transpired between D3 and D4.
Since there are no longer any “ACTS” like we know them, I think the mounts are going to be very important, unfortunately I did not get access to them, you had to do a quest, but I don’t know if it is even available in beta. I like the potion system now, like a semi-hybrid between D2 and D3. With how poor my item drops was, I would like to have the blacksmith back with the ability to create items, just so I can stay on par with my level, that said, I do like the upgrade system the blacksmith has now, its a bit min/max-e but that seems to be what the game is going for this time, as the same can be said about the skills, all my skill upgrades that had any sort of damage, only increased the damage with each level in them by about 1 or 2
In the end, I won’t ever buy this game for full price, I will wait for bug fixes and a cheaper price or gamepass(even though blizzard has stated they don’t have plans to release it on game pass any time soon).