Dirt Rally 2.0 [MEWRL]


Mountain climbing?


Just a little bit. Luckily there was a big pile of rocks to stop me from going too far down


I forget how pretty this game looks. VR only club :man_facepalming:


Lol exactly, after installing the game on Friday, I decided to first try pancake mode to see how nice it looks before I destroy it. But I donā€™t mind, because I drove much better immediately after switching to VR

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Sir David Attenborough: and here we see a solitary Citroen male in its natural habitat, lurking in the thicket, awaiting its prey.


Fixed that for you


@GregRedd You may have been a little too lenient with the service interval/damage type.
I rolled my car twice, had some other scrapes and bumps along the way and was fully expecting the worst at the first service area, but my mechanics somehow fixed it all in 8 minutes. :grinning:

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Geez, thereā€™s no pleasing you :smiley: :roll_eyes: I actually did think about turning on ā€œHardcore Damageā€ to see what impact it would have, but then chickened out and didnā€™t.

After chatting to @Deadlypinecone and watching @Entity do his run last night, Iā€™m glad I didnā€™t though as I think that it would be too much for the average drivers among us, and people would get turned off. We do still want folk to have fun with it :smiley: (Maybe Iā€™ll do something insane like hardcore damage, cockpit view only, Group Bā€™s in Argentina for my Pillow Fort Club?)

Donā€™t know if thatā€™s my leniency at play, or just the weird way the game calculates repair and recovery times. I mean, you can slide off the road, roll 3 times down a hillside, end up on your roof, and then return to the middle of the road with just a 10 second penalty.

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Hey I never said I was complaining, it just sounded like I was :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
If hardcore damage was on, Iā€™d probably have lost a wheel by now.


Hopefully THIS time I wonā€™t fly off the mountain through that gap by the bridge in Argentinaā€¦


You did that too?

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The one with the stupid yellow danger tape and nothing else? I did too :smiley:

Calm down, stages 6 and 9 is going to be absolutely bonkers.

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Not once but twice (2nd time in another league)

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[Bridge flashbacks intensifies] :flushed:

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Iā€™ll have to make a ā€œbridgeā€ video to go with this one I made from my Dirt Rally experience:


Looooool I remember this!

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@SlinX @Dragonic mind sharing your in-game settings? I canā€™t get the shimmering away from the trees, and itā€™s distracting as hell. And I notice if i turn up the graphics too much, presumably the drop in framerate makes me want to upchuck.

I really want to start this event with VR, but times are still 5 seconds off my pace :cry:

Sidenote: finland in VR is like, that wave from Interstellar, except 20 waves. I had to lay down from the nausea last night while doing a daily :face_vomiting: :sleeping:

Aaaah that is what this bra was talking about when I mentioned shimmering:

So according to that, turn up Multisampling.