Dirt Rally 2.0 [MEWRL]

Don’t know how? No SS in oculus app. When I run the game from SteamVR with 150% (which i assume is 1.5SS), framerate gets a knife to the jugular. Is there an SS setting in-game I’m missing?

Most of these videos are either pre or just after VR update, not after the functionality was done and released proper.

Yeah it’s called Multisampling. Just as in the video. However this is a old video like you said, you can’t edit these settings in the normal game and carry over to VR. You have to change it in VR mode. The Basic Graphics also has a lot less settings in VR mode. Just Multisampling and Anisotropic I think is there

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Fanks. I guess i just need to test more settings. How do you check for fps?

I’ll get back to you on graphics settings, but in VR me measure our pp’s with milliseconds not fps :sunglasses:
11.1ms = 90fps
Not sure about Oculus, but this is the option on SteamVR.


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Sheesh… last place so far for me. Was 3rd the whole time, had to change a tyre, dropped to 4th. then in stage 5 I had zero lights, which I somehow managed and made up some time to get only 27 seconds behind… then disaster struck, last corner before the finish was a forest where I could not see a single thing. Was stuck in there for over a minute. RIP time. Dead last.

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Not any more… you’re P1! (at the moment :smiley: )

I have managed to (eventually!) complete a Dirt Rally event. I was not so fast, but I have finished without terminally damaging Mitsu (yes, I’ve named my car).

What Mitsu should look like at the start of a stage:

What she did look like at the start of most stages:


Here’s the route and conditions for Round #2 - the Spanish Rally in Ribadelles for those who want to get some practice in before it starts next Sunday:

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bwahahaha this pretty much what my car looked like as well. Just frame.

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I completely missed the fact that there is a new season.

But how?? I’m pretty sure I’ve @ tagged you in the updates and stuff…

You’ve been allocated the Fiesta R5 for this season. You don’t have to use it, but the idea is that you do :smiley:

@czc Ford Fiesta R5

Check the rest of the field and the breakdown of this season here:

Round 1 is on now until midnight Saturday, so you have a couple of days still.

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I knew that, I just didn’t realise it had started. :slight_smile:





Start has been somewhat eventful:

  • took out most of my lights on a night stage, going wide into a wooden fence, drove the rest with one poep-oog left headlamp, in low light
  • ramped up an embankment, that for a moment I was staring straight down at the ground. no damage phew
  • discovered some sign poles are really really sturdy

Phil’s calls are ok in USA, no major Finland or Greece moments.


I just sat down to do a few stages. Was going well with constant 4th place finishes… until a rock ran into the road like an antelope running towards headlights in stage 5. Completely ripped off my right front suspension at 154 km/h…


Accurate portrayal of night driving.


Man, it might have been close if I didn’t go and do this on the final stage.
How much time you think this cost me?


That was a pretty quick recovery at least, so maybe 10 or 15 seconds?


Shoulda JTurn. Pity that fence is made out of solid brick.


I would have, but I was so disorientated after that little tumble.

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Didn’t completely wreck the car so that is an improvement.