Dirt Rally 2.0 [MEWRL]

There is also no grip when using hard compound dry tyres in the wet

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Yes that’s me :+1:
that’s fine for me i will take the Citroen!
Massa is my actual Name but yes indeed im Interested in F1 n a Fan of Felipe :sweat_smile: @GregRedd


There are 10’s of us! :smiley:


And just like that we have a new benchmark time for the aliens to chase…

Nicely done @Massa - that’s an excellent run!


Had a puncture on stage 4, then had a brain fart about how to change a tyre… sigh… lost so much time. Lost my 3rd place in that instant. by a whole minute and a half.

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Thanks! definitely could have gone worse for my Debut i guess :grinning:


Oooooooooooh new person! Welcome to the madness! Make yourself at home! There might be cookies hidden somewhere still

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The rain in Spain falls mainly on the god damn fast corners! :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:
I also got 2 punctures and had to do a short stage on a front rim, slid off the the mountain at least 3 times and rolled twice. One of the punctures I swear Phil called 2 right after I had already slid into barrier under full braking. It sounded very sarcastic as well, MASSIVE CRASH… “caution 2 right my guy” :smirk:
That was almost as brutal as Monaco, thanks @GregRedd


Looks like everyone is getting punctures.

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I hope I don’t curse myself by saying this, but I managed to get through with no punctures. I had a few close calls with dropoffs, barriers and even some trees though… The Peugeot is a very good rock crawler!


:smiley: Guess where we’re going next…


Well, that went kinda okay, until stage 8 when my Skoda reverted back to it’s Czech tractor roots. It saw some unplowed fields next to the road and was like: “I AM NEEDED IN THE FIELDS!”

Atleast I finished this time :sweat_smile:


Completed my run last night. Was reminded of how amazing this game looks, especially when there’s a wet track and the sun is setting. I was tempted to slow down and take in all the scenery! Fortunately I contented myself with the replays.


Cutoff is tonight at midnight n

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Will there be a new set of races?

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Starts right after the one ends I believe.


Sigh, last few stages were crap for me. Only took one spare, had a puncture on stage 7/8. Lo and behold, I get to the last stage and get a puncture at the very beginning… So I had to drive super slow till the end… Lucky it was only a 5km stage. Didn’t stop me from going down the hill at least twice :confused:


As @Dragonic said, when one ends, the next one starts…! (at least until the end of this season - Spain was Rally #2 of 12 in the season.)

Next up is the Monaco Rally - 9 tricky stages through the slippery roads of Monte Carlo.

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Ah, Monaco my old friend.

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Bring it on!

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