Dirt Rally 2.0 [MEWRL]

I see ACC getting shelved for the next few days… my mitsu is far too clean


This long weekend will give me some time to dent my Ford.


sweet, got a DNF on Stage 4 because my game crashed while loading. Then was going to try my best to make up for the massive deficit but then I got a puncture on the beginning of the second last stage and was not going to drive 16kms with a puncture. So I retired… This league hates me.
Next round…

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Did you not have any spare wheels to fix the puncture?

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Nah, had a puncture the end of the previous stage, but just drove over the finishing line, I guess it uses my spare to auto fix?

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Ah I see. That’s unfortunate. I take the weight penalty and have a second spare just in case as I usually have many excursions off the track.

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Yeah I think I should do the same from now on.

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So I was 7 seconds off Boogey going into stage 8, feeling hopeful.
II didn’t make any mistakes and I ended stage 9 49 seconds behind him, I give up :rofl:

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There are aliens amongst us…


Ah bugger, missed the cutoff on the last stage. All that work for nothing… Gonna have to get an early start on the next event. I keep forgetting to do these until it’s too late :smile:

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Oh no Darth :slightly_frowning_face: And you were doing so well, should have been a comfortable P4 for you. Go do Round 7 right now!!

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The Final Results of the Polish Rally are in:

@Boogey with back-to-back wins, and his 4th P1 of the season puts himself 21 points clear of 2nd placed @SlinX, while the rest of the Poland Top 5 (@Massa, @Munage, and @aldyr) also fill up the Top 5 slots on the Championship Standings table:

@Deadlypinecone goes to the top of the 3Ds and I’m glad to see that both @DarthMol and @Dragonic both get a point for the Polish event, despite not finishing. Also great to see new both our new drivers, @WarRack101 and @the9avenger9 opening their scoring accounts on the Championship table.

So now we move into the second half of our 12 event season with Round 7: 12 wonderful, snow-filled stages in Sweden.

The Swedish Rally is one of our extended events, with 12 stages, all of them through the snow covered tracks of Varmland:

Good luck drivers! Stay frosty! :snowflake:


Oh, and I see @WarRack101 has already opened the course and set the benchmarks for everyone else to chase down nice and early. Some of us should follow his example and get our times in sooner rather than at the last minute again, don’t you think @DarthMol :smiley: :stuck_out_tongue:


Ja Pa


14.9GB update just dropped for dirt 2.0 - FYI @all

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It’s probably Project Cars 3 banners. 14Gb, sounds like 2 new banners


Small Update

Doth they not realise that some people still relyeth on ADSL?


Snow blindness is a thing.


And @Boogey comes along and goes more than a minute faster over the event :rofl: I’d love to see a replay of any of the stages. There were times i couldn’t see anything and was driving on pure hope, where the road boundaries were