Dirt Rally 2.0 [MEWRL]

Well, at least you can say that you tried! Mind you, it may well also be an issue that you’re rallying at 3:30 in the morning… :yawning_face:

Argentina takes no prisoners

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@GregRedd @Dragonic



What a great team lead!

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Is there a “Don’t drive off the side of a mountain” setting?



Less than a week to go and just @czc and @aldyr with their Argentine runs done. The rest of us - myself included, but especially those in the close championship battles - need to pull ourselves away from Night City and from 6-Hour endurance racing, and get our butts over to Catamarca already!

In fact, I’m going to go get wrecked right now…

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I will have some more time on hand this week so I will definitely get stuck into some “Don’t fall off the mountain” this week

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@GregRedd Stage 7’s time looks n bietjie rof there :joy:

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Yeah, stupid puncture about 2 minutes into the stage and no spare because I used it between stages because I had a puncture on the previous stage too.

Just glad I managed to finish in under an hour after all that.

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well, that’s that then. No passing Greg even with the big issues he had. I had a puncture on the first stage, but it was close to the end so went over the checkered flag with it, thinking it will be repaired between stages.
For some reason it wasn’t, so on the next stage I still had my flat, so I decide to pull over and repair… no option to repair… WTF? I’m sure I selected 2 spare tyres. But could it be that I mistakenly pressed right one more time and it went to no spares without me noticing?

Anyways, I decide to ma continue and see what I can do with 3 wheels… but then my VR headset decides to break… lol, wtf is this day even. Do some double sided tape akkeltjie and managed to keep driving, boom, terminal damage on Stage 3 due to the wheels. GGWP @GregRedd. Next time.


Nice effort mate! Been a pleasure racing and rallying with you this year!


I hate this game


For once I had a relatively drama free run. Aside from an off the track detour down the hill that cost me 40 seconds for recovery on the very first stage, I was able to do alright on the rest of them. First time finishing an Argentina event. The bridge did not get me this time!


You managed to sneak by me at the end. Its been fun chasing your times throughout the season!

@GregRedd, thanks for organizing all this! Its been a great event, and has even helped to start to rediscover my lost love of racing games


Noooo!! Terminal Damage on Stage 11 :frowning: Sorry dude. And you were duelling so well with Aldyr’s times up until then. What happened? Or is it too soon to talk about? :expressionless:

A legendary slayer of Argentine bridges you are!

It was a lot more pleasant than organising the Dirt 1 events, so a real pleasure. And that it helped you find joy in racing games again is the ultimate compliment - makes me very happy :smiley: So, thank you!


I must admit that was my goal to beat you during this event! It was close. I had a really good run in the wet on stage 10 (I think) which helped me catch up. It’s a pity I missed the New Zealand rally (my fault entirely) else it would have been a close fight for 5th in the championship standings. Well done :clap:

@GregRedd thanks for organising the rallies. Even if you are a bit of a sadist somtimes (like fitting in 3 long stages right at the end of the Argentina rally!). It’s been really enjoyable. If you’re looking for some suggestions for future rallies, the Ford Eskort II is a lot of fun to drive… just saying :grin:

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The parts I got to play were fun. :slight_smile:

The stupid bridge got me again. I took it perfectly in one of the previous stages.
I musjudged the amount of grip i had, the surface must have changed.

Thanks for making these though, it’s really a lot of fun when I’m not sliding down mountains toward my inevitable demise :upside_down_face:

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Now that the season is over it’s time I got stuck into some more WRC 8. I was eyeing WRC 9 with the EGS coupon but told myself no until I’ve worked my way through WRC 8 :smile:

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WRC9 makes 8 obsolete