Dirt Rally 2.0 [MEWRL]

Fair enough, pity I can’t trade in the old model for the new!

Thanks @aldyr for the invite and @GregRedd for organising. Learnt and improved my rallying a lot over the championship.


Absolute pleasure having you guys join in the dirty fun with us - thank you! Hopefully you’ll come back next year again for some more Dirt 2.0? And maybe get involved with some of the other racing we do as well.


And so the 2020 MEW WRC R5 rally series ends with another comfortable win for @Boogey (I’m guessing that “Diego Klimowicz” is your alias for this week??!), our Champion driver in Argentina. The only other person who came close to challenging for the win in the mountains was @Aldyr who finished some 2 minutes behind.

Another 3m40s further down the dusty way we find @The9Avenger9 in P3 (His first podium I think?) and @warrack101 in P4.

@Darthmol and @deadlypinecone kept their rivalry intact, swapping stage times back and forth. Ultimately it was Darth who made the P5 slot, with DPC trailing him by just 16 seconds.

7th, and last of the full distance finishers, was yours truly, charming and delightful. And honestly, the only reason I ended up 7th was because the Argentine sirens claimed @Slinx, @Dragonic and @CzC before they could get to the end of Stage 12. 30% of the starters failing to finish in Argentina? Sounds about right.

That brings the Championship to a close and I want to congratulate :1st_place_medal: @Boogey on the HUGE win he achieved:

:2nd_place_medal: @aldyr also deserves huge praise for pulling away from the other title contenders, and ending the season in a clear and strong P2.

And finally, after an epic battle of to and fro, it was :3rd_place_medal: @Munage who did enough through the season to hold onto P3 over @SlinX by just 2 points. If Slinx hadn’t Terminal Damaged on the second last stage of Argentina it would have been a different podium picture.

All in all, a fantastic 6 month long season of dirty fun. I want to thank all 15 of the folks that joined the MEW DR 2 Club and the Season, whether you actually turned a wheel or not, participated in one or all twelve of the events, were there at the start or only at the end, or just generally hung around the paddock to inhale the smell of dust and racing fuel.

So, in Championship Standings order, BIG thank yous to @Boogey @aldyr @Munage @SlinX @Deadlypinecone @DarthMol @Massa @the9avenger9 @Dragonic @WarRack101 @czc @Entity @z1oc @oltman @DieGrootHammer

I do already have some thoughts and ideas of my own about doing another Dirt Rally 2 season from early in the new year, and will post and poll y’all about them in the next day or two. In the meantime, if you have any suggestions, requests, ideas, or general thoughts about the next season of MEW Rally, please let me know here (or via DM if you prefer). (Darth, your Escort suggestion is already in my book).

On that note, take the next few weeks to get more of your rally loving gamer mates into the club, and geared up to join our next championship. Steam Sale is about to start, so now might be another excellent opportunity to grab the game or add any missing DLC to the game.

And remember that our Championships are cross-platform, so console buddies are free to compete. And don’t be put off by a lack of wheel - some wheel users are kak (me!), a number of drivers use controllers as standard, and we’ve even had a competitor or two who have posted really good times using their keyboards to drive. It’s all for fun, so come and join us and recruit your friends and family too!

Until I get my thoughts for next season sorted out, stay dirty!


Great work @GregRedd!

Another suggestion is that DLC course in Scotland. Maybe not a part of a big series but as a one off event. Full damage, proper tough course, be brave!

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Thanks for the hard work @GregRedd. Keen to start fresh on a new one.

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Decided to throw together a challenging little outing into Scotland to tide us over until the new year, and the new season.

As @DarthMol noted, we never got to drive the Scottish stages in our recent R5 season, so let’s do it now. This is the Colin McRae Memorial Challenge Rally, a once-off event designed to challenge the hardiest rally drivers MEW has to offer. 12 stages through the Perth and Kinross forests, many of them in poor light or at night, and most of them with the added realism of near constant Scottish rain. :smiling_imp:

I’ve gone easy and not applied hardcore mode and slotted in regular Service Area stops to allow you to fix your lights, and to take a break or two along the way, by saving at the service stops if you need.

I’ve set the car class to Group A, because I want everyone to try the course using one of the two McRae Subarus in that class - either the 1995 Impreza, or the Impreza RS. Of course, you are free to use any of the Group A cars if you’d prefer (the class includes some of rallys greatest cars: the Ford Escort RS Cosworth, the Lancia Delta HF Integrale, and the Mitsubishi Lancer Evo VI) But it is the Colin McRae Memorial Challenge Rally so it’s fitting to use one of his cars if you can.

The rally should go live from midday tomorrow (23 December), and you’ll have until 15 January to attempt it. I want to start the new season from around then, and we can only have one Championship running at a time.

Och ay and up yer kilts, ya gammy basterds!

cc: @Boogey @aldyr @Munage @SlinX @Deadlypinecone @DarthMol @Massa @the9avenger9 @Dragonic @WarRack101 @czc @Entity @z1oc @oltman @DieGrootHammer and anyone else who’d like to join.


You’ve gone all soft on us, @GregRedd


Is anyone here playing on PS4? It’s on sale right now. Just want to confirm it is cross-platform. Assuming I need GOTY?

I’ve got a couple other games I’m eyeing, so I’m trying to weigh all my options.


I’m guessing that by @Entity reply earlier in the year it is.


I think @Entity started on PS, before switching to PC when the GOTY was on super cheap sale, because he only has the base game on PS.

And yes, GOTY is the way to go if you can - it’s the one with the Colin McRae DLC that you’ll need for this specific challenge, but also has all of the other DLC that we use in the full season.

And yes, the club is multi-platform so your PS times will count.


Sweet, thanks.

Makes the decision harder lol

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Oh, and the GOTY is on super cheap sale on Steam again right now too for anyone else who wants to join… only R61.25 for SA buyers.

Scroll down, grab Game of the Year Edition.


TLDR; Get GOTY edition, stick to one platform.

Yeah you going to need the GOTY edition to take part in all the races but one thing just to remember that caught me out twice now is the platform you start the championship on is the platform you’re locked into for the whole championship. So if you have it on PC and PS4, if you start the championship on PC you can’t the next race play from the PS4. It’s cross platform but you locked into one platform per championship.

Like me I joined on this last championship on the PS4 but later could play on the PC but was locked out.


Back to playing on PC, here goes the download


And a big download it is indeed!


Thanks for the great Season guys, really enjoyed that one!
and Merry Christmas!


Gonna grab this today.

@Boogey extra points for Al Bundy!

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PSN downloads are so freakin’ slow today.

Guess that’s to be expected…

Just sent my request. BTW, the URL has changed to https://dirtrally2.dirtgame.com/clubs/club/245127

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