Dirt Rally 2.0 [MEWRL]

Stage 2, I restarted and the game put me onto stage 3. :man_shrugging:


Oh geez, did you get a penalty or a bonus or anything? Or did you finish stage 2?

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I think I’m good.

Don’t forget to keep racing.


Just for the lolz


This made my day!

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I’m having lots of fun guessing which side of the road I’m going to crash into every time I land after the smallest of bumps in the surface.
You really miss modern suspension once you go back in time.


Fuck it, preach man preach. I’m so over Group B. I did 4 clubs worth of that stuff. I need a sane car now

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Why does the game ask sometimes to change your tire and other times not?

Also: Less than 24 hours left to finish.


I think you only get the tyre change warning :warning: indicator if the tyres you are using are worn below the line and would most likely fail before the next service.

That said, you do not have to wait for the change tyres indicator to change tyres at all. You can, and should change to a new set at every Service Stop.

That way you start the next set of stages with a fresh set of tyres every time. You’ll also find the number of punctures you get will reduce.

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So I kept drifting to the right throughout the whole event, but I figured my car was just fooked up (it was!).

My controller battery died, swapped it with a charged one, and realized I was using the one with analogue drift…

But at least I can say I finished this one!

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Nicely done those that have finished. There’s still a little over 14 hours for the rest to get done with their starts, or start their events. Do not be disheartened by the alien times that @Boogey and @aldyr have posted - there’s a lot of time between them and the rest of us normals!

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I will grab some time tonight to finish my second half. Then I will finally be on the scoreboard.



And that’s just trying to get into the Racenet Clubs menu, not even into our event :frowning:

Hopefully will get a chance later tonight to finish my run.

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Ya here’s hoping. I’m hoping to be able to squeeze in my final 4 stages later on.

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Got mine done with some struggle, and a lot of rolling.

I do not recommend Dirt Rally in cockpit view after a braai and perhaps one too many GnTs.


Prego rolls?

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Hit a stray potato on the side of the road, proceeded to tip the car on it’s roof. 10/10, would oversteer again.

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Unlucky rally for me, I got 5 punctures :expressionless:


It happens. I don’t know about others, but my general approach is to stop and repair punctures only if I get them in the first half of short stages, or first two thirds on a long stage. I’ll generally lose less than the minute repair penalty driving slower and gentler if I get the puncture in the last part of the stage.

Of course you have to have to be carrying the spares to change tyres in the first place. One spare and two punctures doesn’t help.

I noticed that but the sound effect is so annoying.

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