Dirt Rally 2.0 [MEWRL]

Bah, next time. Hopefully I sort out this issue.

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I didn’t make it.

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Nine took the Start Line in Jamsa, Finland. Seven found the Finish Line. Along the way the twelve stages were littered with bits of broken suspension, shattered shock absorbers, and cracked wheel rims.

At the end, it was a reversal again of our top two with :1st_place_medal: P1 going to @Aldyr and :2nd_place_medal: P2 to @Boogey. Mr. Consistency @Deadlypinecone picks up his second back-to-back :3rd_place_medal: podium, slotting into P3 on the rally, and maintaining the same position on the Overall Standings too.

:sweden: 12X12 Championship Round 6: Svenska Rally at Varmland, Sweden :sweden:

Next up, a quick hop over the border into neighbouring Sweden, where it seems that Winter has arrived a lot earlier than expected and it’s lights out and snow, snow, snow as we get to take part in one of the rally worlds greatest rivalries - it’s Evo vs Subie time!

The rally starts with a single long stage just to set the scene and get you into the slippery mood. Then a bunch of short stages, many at either sunset or dusk. At the end, after that crucial final Service Stop, the final three stages are all long arse slippery skid heavy jaunts through the snowy forest tracks. Good luck!! :smiling_imp:

Välkommen till Sverige. Kör nu din rallybil redan!! :sweden:

CC: @slinx @gregredd @entity @aldyr @warrack101 @deadlypinecone @boogey @the9avenger9 @czc @murfle @oltman @z1oc @dragonic @konck @massa @darthmol @munage @jaydogg86



Dead! Dead! Dead! hahaha


You breaking the car!!

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You’d think snow was softer…


I’ve hit a few snowbanks in my day. They aren’t soft.


So much snow.

Varmland? More like Coldland…

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Sarcastic swedes. And Powys is the sound of a wheel hitting a puddle of mud.


“Small” final update for Dirt Rally 2.0

All tiny 14.7GB’s of it.


Classic Dirt with their tiny updates.
Also, it’s scramble time my dudes. Tomorrow is Saturday, aka last day scramble.


Forgot about the update…

The real race will be if my download finishes in time to do my last 3 stages.

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Made it, with three minutes to spare… Those last three long stages were a right pain.

No @Dragonic!!! You were right there with @jaydogg86 and @Deadlypinecone all the way through. All three within 40 seconds of each other at the end of Stage 11. And then…?? You disappeared??

Again with the “ran out of time, too late to finish”? Or did something go catastrophically wrong on the final stage?

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Likely as a result of driving the Evo and not the WRX, which is obviously superior in every measurable way.

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Dude, I’m so bummed. I should really stop leaving things to the last day. I say this every time but never do it.
On the final stage I had to stop coz my daughter woke up and normally it’s just sort her out quickly for 15mins and then I’m back. But this time it was not so easy… and thus, my time ran out, but also, when I looked at my screen again, the game quit(it has this weird thing where I pause it for too long then it assumes I meant quit)

So there went my first podium :frowning:

HAHAHA No ways, Evo is best!

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Were you driving kak on that last stage?

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I was doing “really well” on the first 9 stages. Then 10 came along, and there was this long straight, with a 6 left over bridge. Well dang, I was all like “I’m going so fast!” and there was this almost non-existent fence on the sides of the bridge which I hit, and got terminal damage. There’s no way that fence would have stopped anything at 115km/h on a dime.

It felt like the kid at the beginning of this video (language warning)


Daddy Duties are way more important than finishing rally stages. But yeah, maybe try get at least half of them done before cut off day, so that you don’t have to commit so much time to it at the last minute :grinning:


lol yeah I blame Valheim for this week though. Scumbag game. I was going to do 3 stages a night but never got so far.