Dirt Rally 2.0 [MEWRL]

Ozzie man crashes Rally event in busted up jalopy:


Bloomin’ heck! Ya gone an’ bloody Mad Maxed your car there mate, yeah nah!


Nice to see a fair few off the Start Line in Australia already, and 3 over the Finish line too. A little over a day left for the rest of us slackers to get things done down under.

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I definitely picked the wrong car. Tried the default tuning, and by stage 3, I was going so slow at top speed, I was able to finish relatively easy, albeit 1 minute behind per checkpoint.

Then I did as many repairs as I could. Tuned the car a little, and I still couldn’t drive the dang thing. Stage 5, I think, I decided to try for terminal damage. Not so easy when your engine is in the boot.

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At least you picked a car. Unlike yours truly who completely cocked things up over the weekend and didn’t even start the game, never mind start the event. Discovered late last night that we’ve already reset and that the New Zealand Rally is now live. :man_facepalming:t2:


And you were the one to warn us. Tsk tsk.


I know. And I did that just a few days ago too. I could blame getting distracted by the guys going around Kyalami on Saturday, but that’s only a part of it. I knew I had to do it, and told myself I’d have plenty time after Mother’s Day lunch yesterday. Only to discover that the rally changes at midnight on Saturdays - like all the others before :roll_eyes::man_facepalming:t2:


Not only did I miss the Aussie rally, I realized now that I haven’t posted results screens and the championship table for a while either - sorry, I’ll try harder to be better :smiley:

Taking his 4th win and his 6th podium, :1st_place_medal: @Boogey is the king of Australia. 2:48 behind him after over an hour of rallying, :2nd_place_medal: @Aldyr stays on the podium for the 7th consecutive rally, and does enough to keep hold of the Championship lead for now. Giving the M3 Beemer a clean sweep of the podium, and notching up his 4th :3rd_place_medal: P3 finish, @Deadlypinecone returns to the podium in Australia.

Filling in the minor placings and also collecting points Down Under were @DarthMol with a consecutive P4, @Dragonic (who completed all 12 stages of a rally without his daughter distracting him :D) in P5, and @the9avenger9 who completed the rally in P6 17:29 behind our winner. Props -and a point - again to @Murfle who took 3 stages to realise that the Lancia Stratos was perhaps not the best choice of car for him to use in Aussieland. No worries mate!

So, after 8 rounds, here’s the Overall Championship Standings:

:new_zealand: 12X12 Championship Round 9: Rally New Zealand, Hawkes Bay :new_zealand:

Next up, we’re taking the ferry across the Tasman Sea and heading to the North Island of New Zealand where we’ll set up the service stations in the Hawkes Bay area on the east coast.

You’ve got 12 dry stages of tight, twisty, and tricky turn-filled tracks to look forward to. 4 long stages and 8 shorter sprint stages make up the rally, with varied surface conditions throughout, and alternating Daytime and Sunset starts.

You have until midnight on Saturday 22 May to complete your run. Now don’t go do a Greg and think you can get it done on Sunday the 23rd - you can’t!

On your way, mind out for stray Hobbits wandering onto the course, eat a bunch of delicious kiwi fruit as you drive, and have a right ripper of a rally mates!

CC: @aldyr @boogey @czc @darthmol @deadlypinecone @dragonic @entity @gregredd @jaydogg86 @konck @massa @munage @murfle @oltman @slinx @the9avenger9 @warrack101 @z1oc


Best event summaries ever


such an achievement :laughing:
Jissie, but Australia was bumpy AF. Did not enjoy it a whole lot… Then you get people like Greg that still gooi in lots of 12km stages.


For the first time I had to compromise on my repairs at one of the service stations since my damage was so much. I klapped that Opel into so many rocks and trees.


R2’s are to R5/2000’s/Group B what …

shadow is to sunlight
eskom is to electricity
F1 is to WRC :smirk:


:rofl: just had to hey… tagging @oltman for effect.



This is your T - 16 hours reminder to complete your New Zealand rally stages!

We only have 8 drivers registered on Stage 1 and only 2 of them over the finish line so far! With just three more rallies after this one, we’re running out of opportunities to score points.


I have 6 more stages left. Will complete them tonight.

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Yeah I left the last 3 stages for today. R2’s feel like the little engine that could :laughing: Jokes aside, thanks to this rally, I actually got a decent tune out of it, car feels nice on some of the 3 and 4 corner sections.

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They really do!

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You must whip it!
Whip it real good!!

Had a damn power outage while I was in the middle of Stage 4. It’s a long one, so got an automatic 30 minutes for the stage, instead of the 10 minutes it should have been. Those extra 20 minutes added to my total time destroyed any hope I had for finishing near the mid field :expressionless:

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**** **** **** **** **** ****.

Left the PS4 in sleep overnight, and still getting this. Also tried 3g, no go…

Was the last round. Probably my best time on any stage since I started this game. Under 9 minutes for 13km. Minimal crashes/flips.

I was also first to finish each stage, I had green the whole way through. I was so chuffed I came in first for something, even if it counts for squat.



I just checked the standings. Looks like the last stage did get registered! I panicked for nothing :expressionless:

I also saw no one else has even started yet. :sweat_smile:
