Dirt Rally 2.0 [MEWRL]

After stage 2, I was thankful for the upcoming repair opportunity. Alas, a quick fix for the engine would have taken longer than even penalties allow… I made it as far as I could on stage 3 until the engine decided it had enough over a small bump.



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F*k I completely forgot the rules, and used the wrong car.


Jassie, one job :rofl:


Let’s just chalk this one up to “an insignificant oversight”. :laughing:

No worries though. The ideal is that we all use the Quattro, but all of the cars in the category are utter madness under these conditions, so it probably wouldn’t make too much of a difference to be honest :smiley:

ETA - As I guessed, it didn’t make a difference. DNFed on Stage 2 it seems :smiley:


Is that called CARma?


That moment when you finish stage 1, 50s behind the leader and think, ah yes, par for the course. But then you look at the leaderboard and you are second… and it’s not because only 2 people did the race.
However I see order was restored on the second stage and I dropped to 4th lol. still a good time considering those below me… eina.
2 more to go, lets see if I survive.


I whacked my car badly in the rainy stage and had to limp home with the engine and temperature lights on. This meant that I had to enjoy the final stage at an extremely scenic pace. Ah well, that was rough but fun.


Ah boo, and here I was saying, I’ll make you my target(not to say the same might not happen to me :sweat_smile:)


There’s just 15 hours left on the Event Clock for the Poland :poland: round of our Quattro Quattro Quattro challenge.

8 have rolled off the Start line so far, only 4 have crossed the Finish line. 11 Club Members still need to find their cajones and get started - including yours truly. Go drive dirty!

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I made it to the end nursing a bit of damage I think, and just squeezed past @LazyDemoni. Its now up to @Dragonic to show us how to send a german vehicle through the polish countryside!


Boom got that podium, and finally beat you hehe. Although, I had to cruise on the last stage, because I got a Check Engine Light XD.
Noted for the next race that that’s a thing, can’t just go full send.


My engine was buggered for the last 2 stages, kept losing power above 5000rpm. Had to flick between gears to try get the revs up :sweat_smile: Finished the last few sectors with a warning to retire the car right near the end. Hardcore damage is brutal. It doesn’t help that I tend to smash into all the trees in Poland


Haha I had no idea what to do when the dude said my engine light was on, wasn’t sure if I could still go as hard as I can or not. So decided to cruise in 5th gear for the most part, and if I needed to go up a hill I’d drop to 3rd for a bit. Just hoping it doesn’t die before I get to the end. I’ve never had this so no idea what to expect lol.
I also kept knocking into trees XD

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I got the “Is that a loss of power” warning in the middle of Stage 2 already. Chose to take a little time penalty at the Service Stop to fix my engine properly. Then got a darn puncture in the second sector of the 3rd Stage and landed up with a ridiculously long stage time (despite getting 2 green sectors in the middle of it! - Yeah, I was shocked too!)

Despite all that, I was the last of those that managed to get across the finish line at the end of Stage 4 in P8, 3½ minutes behind the pack.

:1st_place_medal: @Aldyr claimed the first P1, a solid 2 minutes clear of :2nd_place_medal: @Boogey, with last gasp wonder :3rd_place_medal: @Dragonic a further minute behind. Breaking up your stages over multiple days clearly works for some.

P4 - P7 finishers were tightly packed with just 2 minutes covering all four of @Deadlypinecone, @LazyDemoni, @DarthMol and @Entity. Participation points for @murfle, @oltman and @the9avenger9 despite their DNFs. They were classified in that order based on the point at which their events ended.

So, with 11 drivers classified in Round 1, @Aldyr gets the maximum available and takes a three point lead into Round 2:

Round 2 is up and running for the next two weeks. :finland: Finland’s fast, flowing forest gravel roads beckon. Mind your Quattro’s suspension on all those jumps though!


@GregRedd I had hoped you would use the spreadsheet to give more detail :grinning:

After stage one, @Dragonic @Boogey and @LazyDemoni were grouped together within 8 seconds of each other from 2nd to 4th position, about a minute behind 1st. Next group battle was @Entity, @oltman and @GregRedd with a mere 8-tenths separating a chasing @oltman. And @GregRedd hanging on 8 seconds behind them.

Stage two was very eventful, with @oltman doing an oltman and DNF’ing and @the9avenger9 as well, that’s karma for choosing the wrong car :joy: That pushed @GregRedd and Disco-_-Bear up in the order, with @greg still trailing @entity by 30’ish seconds. Will he catch him? Anything can happen in lockdown! Something catastrophic must have happened to @DarthMol in the 2nd stage, which has @Deadlypinecone overtake him, but it is still close, with the gap at a ron_measly 9 seconds. The fights not over. Despite @dragonic finishing with a smaller gap to the leader, than in stage 1, he drops to 4th position as @Boogey gets back his usual epic form, and pulls ahead to 2nd, with @LazyDemoni holding onto that podium, but only just, as emily, agh I mean @Dragonic is screaming for a bottle.

Stage three! Disco-_-Bear succumbs to the Quattro or a fast jump, who knows, and DNF’s out of the running. Oh but there’s drama, as Boogey makes a heavy mistake, that costs him a minute and a half, dropping him to 3rd, and Dragonic make a come back akin to the 94’ world cup, taking 2nd. There are problems everywhere as aldyr makes a 43 second mistake, but still manages to hold on to 1st position. Further back, Deadlypinecone is inching away from DarthMol , extending that gap to half a minute. Entity chilling a further minute behind him. Oh, what’s happened to GregRedd ?!? Foulplay or something is wrong with the car, at over 13 minutes, it’s almost surely mechanical problems.

After the fourth and final stage, GregRedd comes in last of the still driving cars, that said, looks like Entity was also having mechanical problems, as their stage times were just seconds off of each other. As DarthMol was chasing Deadlypinecone , there seems to have been drama, as LazyDemoni makes a massive mistake, costing him 4th, and @Deadlypinecone says, thanks I’ll take that. Dragonic throws it away, so far, I don’t think it’s coming back, and drops from 2nd to 3rd, as Boogey takes back his position. That’s got to sting, like a principals cane. All @Dragonic needed was a clean’ish run, and with his previous lead going to stage 4, he could have finished 2nd. But hey, it’s still podium. aldyr, the opinionated git takes 1st position, in the first event. I’m sure Boogey is going to make him pay in event 2.

Well done everyone, participation cupcakes for all :cupcake: :cupcake: :cupcake:




I had hoped you would!! And you did :smiley: So my plan worked :100: !

You tracked this set so well, and your sheet is so good, you deserve all the credit for doing it. So keep doing it!


There are so many positive things this could mean!

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