Dirt Rally 2.0 [MEWRL]

I so badly wanna tackle this but instead I keep doing practice runs and tuning. Though I am getting great results, I have a fear in me that makes me avoid taking on the real challenge, in case I fark it up.

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Take it slow - practice Stage 1 a few times, then go do your Stage 1 run. Be sure to QUIT TO MENU and not Retire from the Event once your time for Stage 1 has been recorded. Also don’t just “Continue” - that’ll take you to the start of Stage 2.

Do it stage by stage - you’ve got plenty time still.


I thought you could only quit to menu from a service area stage, so on the third. Didn’t think you could do so from any.

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Nicely done @Beo! First to the Finish Line, and post some really competitive times throughout. You’ve given the rest of us a really decent target.


It really sucks as during training I was making flawless runs, then I hit the stages and I felt like things went pear shape.

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This is the way


When you know you can’t reset anymore, you drive differently.
You might be chucking it sideways on the limiter like a lunatic, and end up making it through without a scratch. As soon as the illusion of safety is removed, confidence goes way down, you drive more carefully, end up having to take different lines because you’re only at 90% pace, which leads to mistakes because you’ve never taken this corner at this speed before.

That’s my experience anyway.


I fully agree with you there. The mind is a powerful thing and without even realising it in a simple scenario like this we’re placing undue pressure and stress on our cognitive load. It’s fascinating.


Drive dispassionately. Find your zen. Do your best impression of a robot. Don’t react to the corners, react to the pace notes, and the feeling through your fingers. You will drive so, so, so much faster when you think about nothing, and just do.


Whenever I try to get in the zone, I find myself driving on autopilot and my mind wanders. I catch myself thinking about random situations and conversations, like you would in the shower, or while trying to fall asleep.

It’s similar to when I first started meditating actually. When you try thinking about nothing, your mind will naturally wander and you have to catch yourself 10 seconds down a random thought tangent.

It’s weird, but kind of makes sense how rallying and meditation require a similar mind space. I’m at my fastest when I’m not actually thinking about driving, but purely reacting to what’s in front of me.

The psychology of rally racing hey, who wudda thunk.


I have been doing this recently… which is why I’ve become alot faster in my own opinion. VR helms, coz I’m driving based on what I’m seeing up ahead, foot mostly planted. It’s also the reason I don’t hear the co pilot telling my “into immediate square left” and I end up fully ending it into a haybail on Germany(which is coming up and I dread it haha)

Yeah, I find my style is very binary compared to other racing genres/classes. My finger is either 100% on the brakes and gas or zero percent. I hardly find that I am feathering the throttle.

“Okay, there’s a sharp turn and bridge up ahead.”

“Damnit, I can’t believe Karen said that about me!”

And around the corner :wink:


I no longer hear the calls after my new windows install. Do you think having 5.1 sound set for my speakers but using my headset instead affects the sound? Its only the calls that I don’t hear, everything else is fine.

Unless they use positional audio, which I don’t think is the case, regardless you should still hear them regardless of 5.1 going to stero (or even mono). It’s essentially just the channels that get merged into one.

Make sure that specific audio stream in game isn’t maybe low (voices or dialogue?), if it is set to 5.1 and outputting to stereo you should still hear it just more muted.


There is still one week to go right?


Correct. 6+ days left to smash German records!

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Enjoyed this event. That rain smack bang in the middle, was excellent. Short dry, short wet, long dry stages. So, do you go wet tyres, to make the rain easy, or chance death, with soft slicks. Also, per chance, found a great tune for the Mitsubishi in Germany.


It was a great event, I thoroughly enjoyed it!

I also faced the dilemma of making a choice between dry or wet tires. End of the day, I chose to rather have a slow wet time in the hopes of posting faster times on the dry stages. I also enjoyed spending time tunning my cars (Mitsubishi I went with).

I know I may not have the fastest time(s) on this, or any stage, but I had a whole lotta fun :slight_smile:


:angry: My pc decided to bluescreen on stage 1 again!

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