Dirt Rally 2.0 [MEWRL]

Ended up with Terminal Damage on stage 1. Damn wheels didn’t last.

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I forgot to change my tyres at the first service. Ended up having to retire since my car would roll backwards on the very slightest uphill on the rainy stage…


Better than me… I managed to Terminal Damage again. I really should have tried doing the auto-assists rather than being the tough guy and trying to drive it as normal. :roll_eyes:

Will get to the event summary post a little later today hopefully, and a quick look forward to the final leg for the season.


Oh snap! I missed my flight down-unda :sob:

New CPU/Mobo. Computer crashy crashy. Rage quit coz I’m tired too… Bah. Last few weeks are not going my way


Computer crashy crashy is not supposed to happen with a new mobo and cpu! Is it crashing for other stuff too, or just DR2? Hope you manage to get it sorted out, at least for the last event.

Sorry I haven’t gotten to do the post rally write up for Australia - just not up to it today at all.

Did notice that one of the Big Two at the top didn’t post a run for Australia, and the gap at the top is now just 4 points - New Zealand could still be a Championship decider!

Will definitely post up the New Zealand stages just now - if I can access my shared screenshots on my phone - so that folk can start getting some practice in. If not tonight, definitely tomorrow morning.


The results from Round 7 in Australia…

And as I suspected I noticed before shutting down my game in frustration, championship leader @Boogey didn’t make it to Australia. His DNS puts @Aldyr right back in the hunt for the championship win. Let’s hope his absence wasn’t due to anything too serious, and he’ll be back to defend his crown over the next two weeks. @LazyDemoni’s push to P2 also keeps him right in the hunt for the final Championship podium spot, with just 1 point between him and P4 placing @Deadlypinecone. In between those two on the Aussie event podium, a fine P3 by just 19 seconds for @the9avenger9. Event DNFs but “did enough to be classified and score a point or two” for @murfle, myself, and @czc.

After 7 of the 8 rounds, the Championship Standings look like this:

So there is a fair bit riding on the final event…

:new_zealand: Round 8: The Covert Covid Kiwi Rally :new_zealand:

So we get to the final round of our whirlwind End-of-the-Year Rally Tour. We have to take a rubber dinghy in the dead of night, and then scuba swim the last 200 meters onto the New Zealand shore, because they aren’t letting anyone in at the moment. But once you’re on the island you’ll be fine - there’s so many Saffers in Kiwiland at the moment, no-one is going to notice another handful or two more of us. Just blend in. And leave your Springbok supporters jersey at home for this one please. :slight_smile:

Here’s the stage plane for the Covert Covid Kiwi Rally:

Mind how you go, and for one last time in 2021… let’s get dirty!!


My SteamVR crashed. Not sure if it’s something on my overclock that I stuffed up.

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How are points distributed for each event? In event 4 (Germany) I finished 4th and got 7 points. In the last event I got a lucky 2nd but only got 6 points. Is it based on the number of starters or something?

The more people that start the event, the more points are available. P1 and P2 are always one more point apart than the rest of the field, per event. Eg. I received 8 points, you got 6 points for P2 (2 point gap). The rest of the field, counts down, ie. 5, 4, 3, 2 and 1 for whoever finished last, in time. You also get at least 1 point for participating, ie. starting an event, even if you Terminal Damage, or DNF from a crash to desktop.

I believe the gap between P1 and P2 widens, once you get into the 10’s or 100’s of participants. I’m not sure on the thresholds, for when it goes from 2 to 3 to 4 points. With 50 drivers, there’s definitely only 3 point gap.


I finished my NZ stages. It was fun but I’m still upset with myself for clipping the hard curbs on a couple of occasions. It was a beautiful location, so beautiful that my car decided to get a closer look:

Overall, this entire event was a fun experience for me! I was planning on playing more Dirt 2.0, and this event was perfect for learning while having fun!


Glad you enjoyed the season LD - we’ll definitely keep having them as long as the DR2 servers are still available and behaving. Expect the next proper season to start sometime mid- to end-January. I might throw up another of our Extreme Challenges in between - something insane with restricted cameras, minimal assists, and hardcore damage just for a laugh. :smiling_imp:

In the meantime, @LazyDemoni and @czc are the only two who have started their runs for the final round of the season in New Zealand. The rest of us have just 3½ days left to get it done (and 2 of those days are Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, so you might want to avoid upsetting the family by Dirt Rallying then and get your stages in well before then!)


3/4 ride height, stiffer springs, 3/4 slow bump, 1/4 fast bump. Then you can clip those buggers all you want, and it should ride the heavy road shoulder like a champ. Within reason obviously.

I did so many clubs yesterday. Will do MEW today, then i’m out of dirt till next week, cos is vokol is festive


Yay! I had a green bar for one checkpoint!


The extremely rare, lesser-spotted green bar. I’ve seen but a few in my time, mostly because I do my rallying after Boogey and @aldyr.
I’ll be aiming for that 3rd place once again.


I have been making a few stages without penalties at times too, but I took about 2 minutes in the 11km night one with no headlights :expressionless:

Are you guys able to connect to the Dirt Server?

Will only be able to check in about an hour or so. Are you getting “Unable to connect to server” errors in-game in general, or only when you try access the Club and the rally event itself?

I get “Connection failed. The server is not available. Please try again later.” when starting up the game right after it asks you to press enter to continue.

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