Dirt Rally 2.0 [MEWRL]

I think it’s event, not season, because @SlinX DNF’d the previous event, but he could start this one fine.

Damn, I butchered my recording. OBS acting up again, such a fickle bitch.

Anyway, my eyes are still bouncing, and nearly DNF’d on 2nd stage near a cliff, or maybe it was near Cliff.

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Ahh, frikken Cliff - what a chop! His brother Russell who hangs around in the trees in Germany and his cousin Pete who is forever standing in the Welsh bogs aren’t much better! And the less said about his dad, Sandy, who always stands on the inside of the hairpins in Greece, the better!


Repost I’m sure, but just for @Entity after watching his first attempt with the Group B Peugeot 205 :smiley:


Haha, classic!

I had some fun in an MG Metro


Outstanding run!

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Haha. Is that for real? It’s not dubbed?

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No, it was faked by a rival of the drivers’ family corporate interests, who ended up being jailed for his trouble. :astonished:

Apparently it caused all sorts of negative fall out for the driver Samir Thapar, and his co-driver. Turns out Samir was a half-way decent Indian regional rally driver returning from an injury caused break and was a little rusty. His co-driver, Vivek Ponnusamy, had 22 years of navigating experience at the time, and the viral video caused him to lose out on a potentially lucrative sponsorship contract.

Still very funny though. :smiley:

Decent summary of the short, violent and brutal history of Group B.

Warning: Does include (at the 7:54 mark) somewhat blurry fan captured from a distance footage of fatal accident involving spectators that triggered the classes’ demise

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This clip splits the boys from the men! There is so much going on with your hands and your feet that I have no idea what is going on! Well done mate!

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Challenge accepted.

1st run 3:32
2nd run 3:18

The MG is a fun little car, so nimble and responsive.

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I haven’t seen that accident before, I always though it was the driver fatality that ended it all.

I made a boo boo. Left 3 over a bridge and I took a right off the cliff. Terminal Damage.


Oh no :frowning: How far were you? What stage?

First stage. Admittedly I chose the kak, well I thought it was kak as soon as I started racing.

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Ahh, that’s a bit sad. If it’s any consolation, I see @SlinX also out from the first stage. Sorry there’s no Restart/Retry options in DR2. At least you do get registered on the Leaderboard at the end.


#NotLast! :partying_face:
@czc I think we might have crashed in the same place. That blind left over the bridge, it’s a doozy. (Edit: just read you said 1st stage)

In my case, I jumped on the brake pedal, locked up and slid over the edge at like 10km/h. The car came to a very graceful stop, I thought I would just hit the d-pad to reset to track and take the 15sec hit, but no, DR had other ideas.


it was supposed to say kak Renault.

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Seems like I also got caught out by the Argentinian mountains…

Just as I was getting used to the Escort trying to reverse through the stage whenever I go around a corner, a bridge pillar decided to stand on the track at a place where my co-driver calls out: “left, 2, unseen, narrow over bridge!” I hit the pillar and my Escort decided that it rather wants to go down the mountain than up…